
Should Kids Get An Award Essay

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Awards are given out to many kids for the same reason. These credulous kids are being taught that everything you do can lead you to getting a trophy. Most children are given awards for being on time, participation, showing up to practice, exetera. Teachers, parents, and coaches are all responsible for this; showing that kids are awarded for something that does not deserve an award. How would you feel if your kid grew up thinking that most of the things he/she does is enough to get an award?
Kids all around the world are receiving the same awards as someone else. Teachers are giving kids awards for showing up to class or participating in class. Children do not need to get an award for doing little things like this in class, teachers should just tell them that they are doing good, and that they should keep it up. In the article “Participation Trophies Send a Dangerous Message” by Betty Berden, she talks about how kids should not acquire awards for doing these simple task. “Showing up to work, attending class. Completing homework and trying my best at sports practice are expected of me, not worthy of an award” (Berden 3) She shows in this sentence how these little …show more content…

These people say that if a kid sees another child receive an award, and they did not get one, it will make them feel unbefitting. The article “In Youth Sports, Participation Trophies Send a Powerful Message” by Parker Abate, he shows that minors merit trophies, even for the little things they do. He states in paragraph 4 “Watching a peer receive a trophy and not receiving one yourself can be degrading.” This portrays that when you do not receive an award, but somebody else does, it can make a child feel less of himself/herself. Kids do not need an award for all the things they do, because when they get older, it will just show them that they can be looked at as good for little things they

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