Most children can get whatever they want, such as toys or games, by just asking their parents for it and not doing anything to show that they deserve the special gift that they are receiving. Almost all recreational sports for children now give out participation awards to every single member of that team, whether the child actually participated throughout the season of the sport or not. Children are pushed so hard now to play a sport and be the best at it. Although not every team can win, every player within each team, winning or losing, is rewarded. Children shouldn’t receive participation trophies because they teach children that everyone's a winner whether they do any work or not, that each of them are equally good at the sport, and that there are no hardships in life. Children shouldn’t receive participation trophies because they teach children that everyone’s a winner whether they do any work or not. In sports there are different types of children. Some actually want to do their best and be the best in the particular sport, they want to be on the …show more content…
Some children are obviously better than others at different sports, but just because some children don’t do as well as others doesn’t mean that they should receive special treatment and be rewarded the same as others. In the article For some, participation prizes teach wrong lesson Louis Lagrave said, “In competition, some people win, and some people lose. That’s why we compete in sports. It teaches all of us the meaning of effort, teamwork, intelligence and physical attributes. Not successful? Work harder. Still not successful? Try something else. Success in something is out there for those who are willing to make the sacrifices to achieve it.” This shows that you need to try your best to be able to be treated like the best, and only people who try hard at something will achieve
In “Losing is Good for You,” Ashley Merryman argues that society should stop handing out trophies for participation and instead let your child loose sometimes. Merryman states, “today, participation trophies and prizes are almost a given, as children are constantly assured that they are winners.” She later goes on and says that children who are given so much praise will crack “at the first experience of difficulty.” In her opinion, she does not believe that every child should be given a trophy because it will affect how they handle a different task. She claims that children would be better off losing than winning, and she also think that children should not get a trophy for everything they compete in.
Participation trophies send a dangerous message. I have many trophies,but i worked hard for these trophies. Everyone on my team deserves my team. For the people who think giving out the same award at the end of the year to all the children; i am sorry to inform you that your hurting the child more than not giving the child the trophy at all. Children need to know the importance of working hard than someone else. In life you do not make the same amount as your boss makes just because you show up on time everyday. Why would the kids who just show up to practice everyday vs the kids the more elite kids get the same reward. Life does not work like that.
Participation trophies only hurt kids. These trophies have been given out in many sports for decades but they do not mean much to older children. Something as simple as golden painted plastic will not keep a child playing for long after their first years. Children must also be taught how to compete early on. These trophies create a lack of competition in youth athletes and should not be given to children above the age of ten to help teach them life skills and to protect them from struggling in their future lives when they will have to compete for jobs.
Is giving kids participation trophies beneficial to children, or motivation killers? Many people all around the U.S. have their opinions for both sides of the discussion. James Harrison, linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers, has weighed in on this topic. In many people’s eyes, his beliefs make a lot of sense, they understand where he’s coming from and what he is speaking about. Carol Dweck also made a statement to NPR about her belief’s on the topic. There are millions of important facts that need to be talked about with this epidemic: an estimated fifty-seven percent said “only winners” should receive a trophy for participation in kids sports, giving out participation trophies is tantamount to giving kids the wrong kind of praise, and this
With the news of James Harrison, the outside linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers, who took his kids participation trophies ignited a national conservation over the idea of Participation trophies. While many say that the idea of a participation trophy is idealizes a non-competitive attitude , I however say it's a great idea. One of main reasons on why we have participation trophies is that we would rather have your kid feel good about themselves then bad bad. The thing is, we are not talking about NFL Superstar Athletes, we are talking about 6 to 12 year olds. The worst thing you can tell a kid is that they aren't good enough. Kids shouldn’t be held up to the hall of fame standards, they aren't being idolize in the Little League hall of fame
Do we give children too many trophies? According to Bob cook a sports father of four, “when it comes to participation trophies in my experience kids know the score.” Therefore at the end of the day, a trophy for involvement is a gift, and children are aware. Based on the facts and anecdotal evidence we are not giving children too many trophies. These pieces of plastic are a source of memorabilia. In addition, the trophy does not reflect the kid’s attitude towards hard work.
In an age where everyone is expected to be recognized, there must be an understanding that the world does not progress by congratulating the “average.” I believe that giving participation trophies makes people stop competing; especially if the trophies are given at a very early age. For example, a team of small children have a terrible baseball season, but it’s okay! Because the coach gives out trophies to everyone. This in turn only teaches the child that no matter how bad life gets, they will always be rewarded. Participation trophies create future generations of entitled adults as seen by today’s generation. We need to reward kids that work hard for what they do for the sake of risk and reward. That is simply how progress is made in society. Yet I agree with one point made by the opposing side. I believe that participation should be recognized sometimes. Participation can teach kids that teamwork matters in every little aspect of society. Participation trophies should be eliminated but participation should still merely just be recognized with a pat on the back as said by Betty Berdan, a high school junior from Connecticut. Participation trophies overall hinder the growing and learning process of kids; whether it is through sports, or any other competitive involvement.
The topic of whether children should receive participation trophies has sparked national debate. According to a recent
Claim: While others may say that giving participation trophies to kids is good, I disagree. Participation trophies may seem beneficial at first sight as they are encouraging to young athletes and those who participate. However, I feel they are sending the wrong message to young kids. The message is that they don't have to try in any activity and they will still succeed. This eats away at the importance of striving for great accomplishments.
Participation trophies can vary from sports to clubs to activities of any type. Many people believe these standard awards provide many benefits for children and their childhood growth. However, children today have become accustomed to receiving an item or prize regardless the outcome of their effort, which could potentially send an unhealthy message about achievement and diminish the value of the award.
Elementary students who participate in group sports often receive participation awards at the end of the sports season. James Harrison posted on twitter that he felt participation trophies were wrong, because the child did not actually achieve anything. This post has caused a major controversy across the United States. Some parents agree with Harrison and say that participation trophies create a false sense of achievement, which stops their child from trying hard later on. I, however, disagree. Participation awards help kids feel like they had a part in an activity, reward children from their effort, and can help them strive for success.
Participation trophies are the worst things that ever happened to society! Most sports are rewarding undeserving trophies that are giving a false hope to the “winners”. The sports that are giving out participation trophies are teaching the athletes who don’t try that it’s fine, and is making them think that everyone owes them something. Children who don’t try and don’t care about the sport they are playing don’t deserve a trophy. In an interview with Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck, she comments that kids should not be given trophies simply for participating, “Her daughter rarely showed up for her soccer team.
We’ve all heard or talked about a kid who plays a sport and does very little to help his/her team and still gets a trophy. This is a problem for society and yet people seem that it’s fine. Kids shouldn’t keep receiving participation trophies just for losing and sitting around and doing nothing. Nor should you waste your money or team’s money on trophies that kids won’t keep forever.
These people say that if a kid sees another child receive an award, and they did not get one, it will make them feel unbefitting. The article “In Youth Sports, Participation Trophies Send a Powerful Message” by Parker Abate, he shows that minors merit trophies, even for the little things they do. He states in paragraph 4 “Watching a peer receive a trophy and not receiving one yourself can be degrading.” This portrays that when you do not receive an award, but somebody else does, it can make a child feel less of himself/herself. Kids do not need an award for all the things they do, because when they get older, it will just show them that they can be looked at as good for little things
Participation trophies are changing kids ideas of winning around the globe in many ways. First off, it gives children the wrong impression on working or putting an effort towards something. Trophies are something you should have to earn. Life doesn’t give you a participation medal, you have to earn it (Website #2). Kids just need to learn that