Should everyone get a trophy? According to the "Trophies for all" policy , youth athletes, youth athletes are being awarded with participation trophies. Giving trophies to everyone is sending the wrong message .As well as Extrinsic motivation is more harmful than helpful. Not everyone is a winner so why award those who don't win? Some might reply this, "Is their anything wrong with giving a kid a trophy that says good job?"
Giving everyone a trophy isn't fair to kids who give it their all and try their hardest, while other bench warm and get the same recognition. When giving kids trophies it's supposed to be a reward for hard work. But giving trophies to everyone makes it less special. It shows kids they don’t have to do anything but
Should Everyone Get a Trophy? Most teams have the “Trophies for all” rule, But the question is “Should everyone get a trophy for doing what’s required”? Some experts say giving out trophies to everyone sends out the wrong message even though it encourages kids to keep playing. Although some people feel that trophies lose their meaning if everyone gets one, But other people believe that tropies encourage players to keep playing.
Trophies have an inherent value and meaning to those who worked hard to get them, but to give the same trophy to a player that did not contribute as much as a top player, it invalidates the hard work that the child has done and makes them question why they work hard.
It puts the thought that they need praise for doing basic things in their lives. People believe that it will not negatively affect their children because it makes them feel like they are a winner, but everyone getting a trophy will make it where they do not want to work as hard to do better to get a trophy in their sports team. Giving out individual trophies to people who have put in a lot of effort to play the way they do not get as much recognition can also harm the children who are putting a lot of effort into the sport they are
Participation trophies send a dangerous message. I have many trophies,but i worked hard for these trophies. Everyone on my team deserves my team. For the people who think giving out the same award at the end of the year to all the children; i am sorry to inform you that your hurting the child more than not giving the child the trophy at all. Children need to know the importance of working hard than someone else. In life you do not make the same amount as your boss makes just because you show up on time everyday. Why would the kids who just show up to practice everyday vs the kids the more elite kids get the same reward. Life does not work like that.
Should all youth athletes receive participation trophies? According to the "Trophies for All " policy, youth athletes are being awarded with participation trophies. Some people believe that in life, you have to work hard for what you want. Participation trophies boost youth athletes self-confidence. In addition, participation trophies are used to motivate kids to have fun playing sports. Also, participation trophies put a smile on children's faces. Every child should receive a participation trophy, for just showing up.
Really all the trophies should go to the kids that actually do all the work. They should not just give the trophies to the kids that do nothing. Kids should not just get a trophy for just showing up and sitting on the bench the whole
Is giving kids participation trophies beneficial to children, or motivation killers? Many people all around the U.S. have their opinions for both sides of the discussion. James Harrison, linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers, has weighed in on this topic. In many people’s eyes, his beliefs make a lot of sense, they understand where he’s coming from and what he is speaking about. Carol Dweck also made a statement to NPR about her belief’s on the topic. There are millions of important facts that need to be talked about with this epidemic: an estimated fifty-seven percent said “only winners” should receive a trophy for participation in kids sports, giving out participation trophies is tantamount to giving kids the wrong kind of praise, and this
Do we give children too many trophies? According to Bob cook a sports father of four, “when it comes to participation trophies in my experience kids know the score.” Therefore at the end of the day, a trophy for involvement is a gift, and children are aware. Based on the facts and anecdotal evidence we are not giving children too many trophies. These pieces of plastic are a source of memorabilia. In addition, the trophy does not reflect the kid’s attitude towards hard work.
I understand that kids need to have some type of recognition for at least participating in an activity rather than not being involved. Yet I do not believe that handing out participation trophies to
Reason-Rupe poll, 43 percent of Americans believe that every child should receive a trophy for participation, but the numbers drop with income, education, and age. Although participation trophies can cause unrealistic expectations in children, these trophies raise self-esteem and build a work ethic.
All across America, you see the topic of “Should children be receiving participation trophies” being brought up. The idea that all kids should get some reward for being a part of the game and helping it grow. To some, it seems like an excellent idea, but to others not as much. For example, NFL linebacker James Harrison took his children 's participation trophies and gave them back to their coaches saying "EARN a real trophy." Other parents believe that their children deserve to be praised and want them to feel good for doing something they have worked hard. So which side is correct? Should we give our kids these trophies or not?
"kids shouldn't get participation trophies because trophies need to be earn" said by Harrison, and not just given to. people with low work ethic shouldn't get trophies because they aren't working for it, but people with high work ethic deserves a trophies because they a trying there hardest to get it.
Instead of trophies, there could be other rewards given to the younger kids. Some people say everyone should get a trophy so they can keep it as a memory, but I disagree with that. First, at some playgrounds, kids get t-shirts for being on the team
Should only reward the best, the kids that do stuff and try's hard at school, games. The people that doesn’t try their hardest should not get a trophy. I feel like they are wasting their time and money on getting these things for kids. If kids got trophies for doing the most simple things like washing the dishes and taking a bath, then all the kids would not even have a purpose for one of their trophies or all their trophies. And all the kids go to games or practice and doesn’t even do any anything or sits on the bench and they still get a trophy. But at other things is trophies are good because you can put a smile on some kids' faces and make them feel special. There are many reasons to support those that people / couches should not just
You get last place in your tournament. The coach walks up to you looking disappointed and hands you a trophy. You look down at the trophy confused on how you go it and notice that it reads “participation”, but why hand out a trophy if you didn’t really earn it? A popular issue today is whether or not participation trophies should be given out to young athletes. There isn’t a right or wrong answer to this debate, however I believe that it is wrong for these no good trophies to be handed out. Here are some of the reasons on why I believe this.