
Short Story: Mental Illness

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The next time Molly talks to him, he informs her that now the recruiter lets his boss do all her work, and she does nothing. George says he also expects when the housekeeper hears about this, she will try to get the woman to do all her work, too. Molly can’t imagine that really happening. Molly’s husband comes home and she tells George she has to go because she doesn’t want her husband eves dropping in on their conversation. The next week, George calls and says, “I was right, and now the house keeper is answering the phone while my boss is cleaning the toilets in the office.” “So let me get this straight. Now your boss is not only serving you, but she’s also serving the recruiter and the housekeeper too.” I think that’s odd. What …show more content…

The problem is not so unusual, and everyone is perverted in some way, but they try to hide it. If someone says they are not perverted, then they are lying.” “Everyone is not perverted. You have a mental illness.” George gets very angry and upset, “Your telling me I’m mentally ill is like telling me I am retarded because it is the same thing!” “Being mentally ill and being mentally retarded are two completely different things.” “It is the same thing! It’s the same thing!” Then George hangs up abruptly. She wonders if he will call her again since he was so mad, bit a few days later, he calls her …show more content…

You don't know! I don't know! No-one knows! Guess!!" “I’d probably come in three days a week, But I might be afraid I would get in trouble or get fired." “You can't get in trouble. You can't get fired! George gets impatient. You know you can't get fired!" “But I wouldn't want to take advantage of another person." “But it makes me happy. How could you be taking advantage of another person when I want you to do it, and it makes me happy?" “It’s not all about you!" It's about the type of person, the other person is. It's about the scenario going on in their mind. It depends on the reason the person thinks you are doing it. Whether they think you are doing it because you feel sorry for them or whatever other reason, that may make them decide whether they can take off work with a clear conscience." ”But it makes them happy! It makes them happy, so there is no reason for a person not to do it! I don't think you’re being honest with me on what you would do because I think you don't want me to think you’re a bad person, and you are trying to impress me.” She thinks to herself, “Why in the world would I want to impress him, and I don’t appreciate him calling me a

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