“You don’t get it!” And I slam the door and walk down the street toward our church. How much I wish she would understand. I’m tired of hearing her complain about her life. When I reach the road, I see the old house and walk that way instead. Inside it smells of rot and mold and there isn’t anything in the room except a staircase to the far left. I go upstairs and find a string in the middle of a bedroom. “Weird.” I say and pull the string. A staircase unfolds before me. As I go up them, I flinch with every creak and groan. Who knows how old these things are. When I climb into the attic, the first thing that hits me is the smell. It smells even worse than downstairs. Then I see what’s up there, there are boxes filled with …show more content…
“What is the one thing you want the most? 30 seconds left… 25… 15…” What to wish for, what to wish for. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…” “I wish my mom could understand me.” It’s done, there’s no going back. “Oh right, note this, how I grant the wish isn’t always what you expect.” Says the genie, then he claps his dust hands and everything goes black. I wake up to the alarm clock, but something isn’t right. I feel super old. I sit up and climb out of bed. Yep, I feel like I’m 60. I go look in the mirror and scream. “No, no, no, that’s not what I wanted, stupid, stupid genie!” I run into my room and yank my body out of bed. My body screams, even though I didn’t. “Young lady! What do you…” She looks at me in horror. “Who are you?” She stammers. “Ha.” I laugh, but nothing is funny. “Who am I? Who are you?” I point at her and she runs around me and looks in to mirror. “No, no, no ,no I have to be there early today. You have to go to work, now! You’re going to be late.” “I’m not going to work, you go to work. I have a test in math today!” I counter, but I really just don’t want to go to her dumb job. “I’ll do it for you, just go!” I don’t really have a choice, so I climb in the car and try to drive. It doesn’t work so well. On the highway, I almost hit a car at a stop sign and I end up driving off the
She realizes that they still have 2 wishes left so she says “The other two wishes.”(pg.40) The old man does not want to do it when he is told so he replies “you are mad.” (Pg,40) He knows that his son isn’t going to come back the same way he left, but he wishes for his son back to life and awhile later someone shows up to the door and knocks. The old man knows that it is his son and so does the wife. As the knocking continues the father says “don’t let it in” (pg.41). The wife does not know why he does not want to let their own son back into the house. W.W Jacobs ends the story with a surprise when the old man uses his last wish to send his son back to the
Nothing of interest was in the room, only dimly lit candles and trunks of old, moth eaten clothes. She felt as if someone, or something, was watching her, waiting to drag me into the shadows. Then there it was it was she was unsure but almost certain it was a ghost. The ghost was a white cloud like figure and its eyes and mouth were as black as the night sky's. It was more silent than the grave it arose from, staring with heavy lidded eyes and a slack mouth..As Emily turned to leave, “Don't go.” said a gentle voice, “we can be such good friends.” A blue-white glow filled the room making her skin appear paper thin. “Who are you” Emily asked in fear “We met the day I turned twelve. At the train station, you sat across from me with a small smile. Our toes could hardly touch the floor then. I remember being so very close with each other, but I don’t know how after what you did to me” Emily shook her head mutely. She'd been here an hour tops, or this was some nightmare. It wasn't real, how could it be. “Stay with me” the ghost repeated as Emily was trying to find a way out. She shook her head. “Why refuse
“I’m paying this kid $160,000 a year and he acts like I should be thankful that he even shows up to work!”
As they approach the entrance, he looks at her intently and says, “I will go alone and introduce myself. I am sorry, my mate, but you are more hideous than I. Once they become accustomed to me, I will fetch you.”
"Every day you have an excuse for either showing up late or not showing up at all. Well, I'm done with the excuses. You're
Dread and sorrow wash throughout me. We spent so long in this cursed building to prevent us from ending up like we did. I furrow my brows. The foul smell of rotting old wood came upon my senses. Now, I could only taste dryness in my throat. This attic has still not changed one bit.
“Oh I have to tell you something. Mommy doesn’t have a job anymore. But over the weekend, I am going to find a job, a better job.”
“I'm going to the diner I work a 8 - 9:30 shift today and I already called in on tuesday so I really need this money.” said
Diagnosing mental illnesses were not as formalized as they are now. Now we can reference the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, also called DSM, for information on hundreds of mental disorders that are currently acknowledged today. There is still a lot of research being done to find out why certain people are afflicted with certain disorders. Some ideas are that the illness is passed along genetically; it is also considered that a personal event or trauma could spark a reaction leading to a disorder. Another idea is that some people are born with a predisposition to a mental illness but it will only affect their life if it gets impacted by something such as stress or a traumatic event. Researches into Robert’s symptoms and struggles have been conducted many times and some of the suspected disorders include: schizophrenia, schizoaffective, bipolar disorder, manic-depressive disorder, general motor paralysis, and syphilis.
Most people wish for things, like for Christmas, their birthday, or other holidays that people celebrate. In the book Third Wish by Joan Aiken, Mr.Peters wished for a wife and that did not turn out well. This sends a message to the reader that they should be careful for what they wish for.
Fast food is, without question, one of the most influential industries to have ever been created. It has caused both good and bad things in the world ever since its creation. Fast food has been blamed for hundreds of the world’s problems, and honestly, fast food may be at fault for most of them (increase in obesity worldwide, hypnotizing children, gross genetic engineering, etc.) However, the most heartbreaking of the effects of the fast food industry is its effect on America’s once-beautiful landscape.
I took a deep breath as I walked through the doorway. The door was stuck open, hanging on just one of its hinges. It was clear that no one had been near this place in a long time. As I entered, a stench hit me. It smelt sickly sweet, almost like rotten fairy floss. I looked around the room at the faded and ripped wallpaper, and the broken furniture. The air was so thick with dust it was almost impossible to breathe, and everything was thickly covered with dust. The little light there was came from the cracks in the yellowed blinds.
“Yeah! I’ll give you a rundown on the rules. So you get three wishes, no more, no less. Oh, and don’t try to be slick and wish for more wishes, it ain’t gonna work. And there are some things I can’t let you wish for. I can’t make anyone fall in love, come back from the dead, or die. But yeah. With those things in mind, feel free to wish away.”
“Baby, I always help you out with the baby, but I have to get up for work in a couple of hours. Look, just go feed the baby. I promise you that starting from tomorrow, I will help out more with the baby, okay?”
“We need to stay here. Boss has our kids and family, if we don't do what he says they get hurt or worse” Chubby exclaimed with his head down. I need to think fast, something to keep me