
Short Story

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With such a sheltered life, every detail of their path practically drawn for the two siblings forced to walk, it was a wonder the two had had any mental stability left at all. To comprehend what was correct to do or even how to have grasped a job without the codependency of their parents. Maybe the praying had worked that Eve had occasionally did when they had finally found freedom, then again, her mind constantly wondered if she was actually asking God who resided in the Bible, or God who was her keeper for eighteen years. But then again, did it really matter? Did prayers matter or was someone else answering anything she silently asked when on her knees? If she could have chose a God or two to answer, it would have been the kind old …show more content…

Letting her crawl to the side of the bed more then with bright eyes.

A liveliness that dulled back down only a second with the worry of the couple that had let taken them in just so shortly ago, it felt like, with open, kind and tender, arms. Such a new experience for the two of them it had been overwhelming. Swallowing suddenly, Eve blinked in thought, watching up at her brother with a thoughtful expression before finally speaking. "We'll ask them, Adam... surely they would have to understand this." Not the killing, maybe the killing. No, not the killing. Too sweet, too kind. She shook her head and blinked to silence her head again for the moment. "We'll talk to them, tell them we need to get away for a bit. There isn't a need to worry them... we'll...." Her thoughts swirled before she reached out to grasp at one of his hands, her fingers ever so softly rubbing on his in comfort. "We would be protecting them Adam, from Him.. them. What if he was to gain more power and it somehow hurt Jerry and Betty? Could we ever look at them the same, if we had a chance to at least try?"

Her feet shifted, drawing to dangle over the edge of the bed, still holding his one hand in her own while staring up at Adam so sweetly despite the words that left her next. "And no, we haven't killed anyone before, but we can always try. What if it's easy? It always looks so easy on those shows, and.. and his cops always do it when they need to." Something

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