
Short Story

Decent Essays

constantly picked flies out of my milk pail and had to be careful that one wouldn’t land in my opened mouth. I once killed a fly by smashing it between my lips. I became desensitized to the tingling of their legs dashing up and down my skin. Maybe that’s how I built up an immune system that tolerated germs and made me less susceptible to getting sick. Like how a child would hold out a finger for a butterfly to land on, I would do that same with my hundreds of fly friends. The continuous buzzing sound of the flies throughout the farm almost became therapeutic to me. Drawing myself away from being distracted by the flies, I went back to tracing the milk that traveled from the milking parlor into the into the adjoining utility room via the …show more content…

From here, I’m able to track where the pipes lead to next. In the middle of the utility room stood the imposing car-sized cylindrical tank, the final destination which all of the milk traveled through ceiling pipes into. I loved resting my head against the cold metal and pressing my ear against it. The cacophony around me would disappear so that all I could hear was the refrigerator-like hum of the cooler. Moving away from the cooler, the humming diminished and the rest of the sounds merged back together into a dissonant harmony. Besides the three adjacent sections of the barn, a door on the side of the utility room opened into the appropriately nicknamed “Loud Room” which contained the motor of the entire milking system. While in the “Loud Room,” any attempts of communication even to the point of yelling proved useless. The roar of the engine is so overpowering and intense that it can literally be heard from over a quarter-mile away, the distance from the farm through the pasture field to my house. Besides the low-pitched drone of the cooler and the high-pitched racket of the motor, there was also the pulse the actual milking system makes. In a perfect mechanical rhythm, the pipes pumped with the sucking sound of a metronome and let out peals of squeaks. I remember reading somewhere that limiting noise levels and exposing cows to classical music can soothe

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