
Shearma Shearman Essay

Satisfactory Essays


Your assignment was clear and concise. You covered the required question with ease, and you made some validate points. I do agree with you cited “A major reaction to change is a feeling of losing control; what was assumed to be the norm now isn’t, and we are in an unknown land,” (Jicks, Peiperl, 2011, p. 341). When placed in a leadership position it becomes apparent that we have to be ready for change, however this doesn’t mean we have to agree with the change. We should make every effort to understand the intent behind the change. Ecclesiastes 3:1 - To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (King James Version).

When looking at Sherman situation closely you can see that she was fighting a war with unfamiliar terms. Because lawyers run the show, the outcome can vitally be affected by the public climate, the media, and the overall images of the companies involved (Ahlfeld, 1981). …show more content…

As a devoted and caring leader, Sherman inability to communicate life changing issues to her coworkers became hard-hitting to her character or at least that is how she felt. Introducing organizational alignment plan can streamline a company understanding of a company goal and vision. Honestly; I would take it a step further and implement a 6 way optimize strategy; that comprise of the following but not limited too. 1). Document the Cross-Functional Path of Enterprise Goals, 2). Close the Leadership Skills Gap, 3). Limit Assumptions – Be Explicit, 4). Promote Effective Information Sharing, 5). Create Meaningful --Not Multiple – Metrics and 6). Understand the Relationship between Process and Function (Dattilio,

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