
Sharon M. Draper's Copper Sun

Decent Essays

Hope. Hope is something we all need. Hope is the one thing that was kept Amair. If Amair didn’t keep hope in her heart she would have passed away like her friend Tirza from her village. (Chapter 3 page 19-20) Copper Sun is the title of the book the author is Sharon M. Draper, she wrote this book in historical fiction. Its historical fiction because the facts and information are historical but the characters are not real people. This book teaches so many different lessons at a time. About having hope, slavery, freedom. Hope is everything in this book, it’s what keeps people alive in this book and when people in the real world with horrible problems when they have hope they can survive and in most cases they do. Here is a story that can make you and everyone and everything so much better.
Copper sun is told in two different points a views Amair’s and some she meets along her journey trying to get her freedom. This story …show more content…

It has taught me how I need to also have hope that things happen for a reason and better things are coming like in chapter 35 when clay found them in the woods and almost captured them but when they escaped him and found a nice boy who helped them on their journey.
Copper sun has two different types of people in it. They talk in different ways a good example of formal and informal langue would be when the man with red curly hair started to teach Amair words in English. In chapter 9 page 52 he starts with simple word like child, water trying to get her to understand and by the time they reach their destination she knew a little bit of words.
Copper sun is an amazing well written book. It shows hope, strength, responsibility most importantly freedom. In my thesis I talked about hope. Hope is the whole idea of the book. It’s the theme it what makes Amair strong and brave. If you read this book I suggest you read it and read it again because this book is

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