
Sexuality In One Holy Night By Sandra Cineros

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Sexuality along with virginity is a prevailing theme in both story and film. In a highly influenced Mexican culture, it can be noticed that sometimes the topic of sexuality and virginity is a taboo. Most people tend to consider sex practice as something impure when doing it supposedly out of the appropriate time. However, it seems more common among the older generation which are more influenced by this culture. Differently, the younger Mexican-American culture generation seems to be less traditionalistic. They do not considerate this topic as a taboo anymore, and they are scolded for practicing it or for even talk about it. In “One Holy Night,” Sandra Cineros portrays the theme of sexuality and loss of virginity as something immoral by the …show more content…

In other words, according to the beliefs of the Abuelita, having sex was not only something the girl did not have to think about but something devil. On the other hand, the girl’s perception toward this theme is absolutely opposed as she considered this not that important. For example, she says, “The truth is, it wasn’t a big deal. It wasn’t any deal at all… why the world and million years made such a bid deal over nothing” (Cisneros 69). In other words, while the Abuelita was getting crazy because of what her granddaughter did, the young girl did care that much. In fact, she did not even care. It seems has if having losing her virginity was something simple as changing a pair of socks. Furthermore, in Josefina Lopez’s film “Real Women Have Curves,” she portrays the concept of sex and virginity in two opposite views as Sandra Cisneros did. Firstly, Ana’s mother have an idea of sex as something to be practiced only if married. On the other hand, Ana seems as the young girl who actually does not even matter about having sex since for her losing her virginity is not all that cares in a woman

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