Sexual Harassment comes in many forms and weather spoken, verbal, written or the behavior itself, it makes the person uncomfortable and the end results is all same, Sexual Harassment is unwelcome and unwanted behavior. Sexual Harassment discrimination is illegal. It is the employer obligation to make sure their organization and employees have protection from discrimination. This paper will show that Jacksonville shipyard acted unethically by failing to protect one of their employees Lois Robinson. Jacksonville Shipyard was well aware that Ms. Robinson faced sexual harassment on a daily basis by her male co- workers. Once Lois complained to Management that she objected to the co-workers behaviors , instead of helping her they made …show more content…
Major Ethics Principles, Rules, and Values Jacksonville Shipyard attempted to apply the Rights Ethical theory because this theory allows the individuals to apply what they feel is right and infringe these rights upon others. Boatright (2009) pointed out, “One supervisor reported the company had no policy against the posting of pictures and claimed that the men had a constitutional right to do so” (p.28). Jacksonville Shipyard made no changes to their programs because they felt the male employees were within their rights; instead, they made poor attempts to accommodate Lois Robinson. Employees have a right to not be offended or be offended but employees does not have the right to have those choices taking away by their employer. Stakeholder Analysis
The primary stakeholder of Jacksonville Shipyard are the stockholders and the owners because they have invested in the organization for profit and not lost.They may lose federal contracts and funding for not complying with the Affirmative Action policies.
The secondary stakeholders are the employees who have could cost the organization mega dollars because of the behaviors that encourage
Stakeholders are people or groups with interest in an organization that can affect or be affected by the organization itself, its objectives, or its policies (BusinessDictionary, 2015). Each stakeholder brings their own perspective to the table based on their relationship with the organization (e.g. internal or external role), their level of experience, and their area of expertise about the subject matter they are involved with. At a high level, the list of stakeholders for any organization could include people or groups such as: customers, employees, government agencies, suppliers, unions, community resources, shareholders, and business owners. For the purpose of this assignment, I will discuss and review stakeholders relative to the
Sexual harassment is a demeaning practice, one that constitutes a profound affront to the dignity of the employees forced to endure it. By requiring an employee to contend with unwelcome sexual actions or explicit sexual demands, sexual harassment in the workplace attacks the dignity and self-respect of the victim both as an employee and as a human being. Sexual harassment is well defined as an unwelcome sexual request for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. In many countries, sexual harassment is considered a form of sexual abuse and employment discrimination. Sexual harassment is most prevalent is organizations both professional and academic, though it can occur almost anywhere.
Injustices in this world infect people's lives like diseases. One in particular has not only developed over the years, but cases spring up in the most unthought of places. This injustice commonly known as sexual harassment affects women, children, and occasionally men all across the globe. There are many aspects when it comes to sexual harassment including its background, opposing viewpoints on the popular belief, the popular viewing, sexual harassment in today's society, solutions to the problem, and what the future would be like without this injustice on the world's hands.
There are many stakeholders in each ethical decision. A stakeholder is defined as any individual or group who can effect or be effected by achievement of an organization or practices. These stakeholders are interested in the moral impacts of the situation. In the case of at will employment there are four primary stakeholders and many secondary stakeholders. In each case there are harms, benefits, rights exercised and rights denied.
A registered nurse is facing allegations of sexual harassment reports CBC News. The story can be viewed on CBC website ( Sexual harassment is always an ongoing battle for individuals, and this new case may help those who are unaware of their right stand up and fight back. The of the co-workers (Jane Does) v. Marlon Gonzales presents the opportunity to interpret the legal processes necessary in determining a decision for sexual harassment in Saskatchewan. The article also present the opportunity to discuss the scope of Registered Nurses Discipline Committee 's ability in correctly passing punishment to those who violate the bylaws and codes established in the enabling legislation, the Registered Nurses Act, 1988. By analyzing the facts, complaints, and the past decisions of the Queen’s court a proper result can be assessed regarding the violations of Marlon Gonzales.
Hollywood to corporations to Washington, D.C., sexual misconduct tends to ripple and grow by such behavior in the state capitols. There have been dozens of women that have recently alleged misconduct from male colleagues in the U.S. statehouses. With allegations of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment from state lawmakers. Seven lawmakers face either partial suspensions or interim from leadership post or committees. Non-the less no state lawmaker has been expelled, yet some tend to face calls from colleagues and leaders to resign.
The first key group of stakeholders are the employees. These include both managers and regular employees at all levels of the organization. The managers are in charge of overseeing certain departments within the corporation. Managers must also work to implement the company strategy and work towards accomplishing the company’s
Sexual Harassment in school usually occurs during passing, recess, or during lunch. Sexual harassment can range from a quick glance to a hoot or whistle. In many cases, one does not know that they are being harassed or harassing someone. Maybe a friend tells you a dirty joke or someone who you see everyday and who you do not know gives you an unusual smile. Do you feel offended by the joke? Are you uncomfortable with the person giving you a smile? Some may say that this is more of a paranoia problem and then just push it aside, but in most cases, it is not.
Edward Freeman (1984 p46) stated that stakeholders; “..are those groups or individuals who can affect or are affected by the achievement of the organistation’s objectives or are those with a direct (or indirect) interest in the company..”
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) sexual harassment guidelines and the Civil Act of 1964, indicate that Susan Parker was indeed sexually harassed throughout her employment at Plastech Industries. The EEOC has created a set of guidelines that determine liability. These EEOC guidelines say that "A key factor in determining liability is whether the employer has an effective internal grievance procedure that allows employees to bypass immediate supervisors (who are often the offenders)" (Making the Sale p.46). According to the EEOC and section 703 of Title VII in the Civil Act of 1964, sexual harassment is:
In the world we live in today, we have become accustomed to turning the other cheek to things that may or may not be wrong. When someone thinks of the term sexual harassment, he or she might think of a simple wolf-whistle or commenting on someone’s appearance; however, the lists continues on. Sexual harassment can come in many forms from multiple perspectives. The argument of “Is sexual commenting really wrong? Should we do something about it?” has been long strung out. Sexually harassing women, whether it be in the workplace, in school, or in daily life, is wrong because it degrades women, promotes isolation, and give a sense of domination of one sex over the other.
Stakeholders are individuals or groups that partake, or assert, possession, privileges, or benefits in a, organization and its accomplishments, previously currently, and in the upcoming (Barrett, 2001). These requested privileges or benefits are the result of communications with, or activities reserved by the organization, and they must be lawful or ethical, separate or combined Stakeholders with comparable benefits, entitlements, or privileges can be categorized as fitting into the similar collection: personnel, investors, and clients (Barrett, 2001). The better the impact these groups have on client’s lives and the extra community assets with which they are assigned, and it becomes vital that they are responsible (Barrett, 2001).
Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment Laws Sexual harassment is one of the biggest problems facing our schools and businesses today. A week rarely goes by without a reminder of the pervasiveness of sexual harassment as a social problem. The definition of sexual harassment is any unwanted or inappropriate sexual attention. That includes touching, looks, comments, or gestures. A key part of sexual harassment is that it is one sided and unwanted.
In today’s society we constantly hear or read about individuals that claim they were a victim of sexual pressure. These instances can take place at work, school, the military and even at church. But exactly what is sexual exploitation or unwanted sexual behavior? After looking at several definitions for sexual abuse I came across the following definition that I feel will help all of us to better understand what inappropriate sexual behavior is. Sexual harassment was defined by The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as unwelcome advances and requests for sexual behavior or conditional requests such as a person’s employment will continue if they perform these acts. (Gale Group, 2003). This definition left me thinking and