
Essay on Sexual Harassment Case

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Sexual Harassment Case

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) sexual harassment guidelines and the Civil Act of 1964, indicate that Susan Parker was indeed sexually harassed throughout her employment at Plastech Industries. The EEOC has created a set of guidelines that determine liability. These EEOC guidelines say that "A key factor in determining liability is whether the employer has an effective internal grievance procedure that allows employees to bypass immediate supervisors (who are often the offenders)" (Making the Sale p.46). According to the EEOC and section 703 of Title VII in the Civil Act of 1964, sexual harassment is:
" …sex discrimination not because of the sexual nature of the conduct to …show more content…

As part 5 of section 615.2 (b) of the EEOC Compliance Manual states,
There is no requirement that the victim complain to the harasser or report the sexual harassment to his/her supervisor or employer in order for the employer to be held responsible for the unlawful conduct when the harassment is committed by the supervisor. And … likewise, there is no requirement that the victim complain to the harasser or report the sexual harassment where the act is committed by a co-worker or a non-employee, the employer will not be held responsible for the act unless it knew or should have known that the act occurred and failed to appropriate corrective action. In the case of Susan Parker vs. Randy Louvenberger, the victim (Susan Parker) did not keep quiet about the harassment she received. Since the level of sexual harassment in Plastech Industries is demonstrably high, any competent supervisor should be able to recognize and eliminate the harassment. Although her supervisor, Randy Louvenberger, ceased to harass Susan Parker after being confronted about his behavior, such a confrontation should not even have been necessary. Mr. Louvenberger's comments about her playing hard-to-get indicate his recognition that Ms. Parker did not enjoy the suggestive remarks made by male Co-workers. In fact, this comment shows that he was

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