
Sexual Assault On College Campuses Essay

Decent Essays

1. The topic that I have chosen for paper 1 is “sexual assault awareness campaigns on college campuses.” The topic is about raising awareness for the consequences of sexual assaults as well as making it more of priority on campuses. This can encourage students to feel safe and trust the school to handle an incident in an orderly manner, if they are victimized. If a topic like this is addressed and confronted from the beginning, it may reduce the sexual assaults on college campuses. It is important in our field because sexual assault is a crime. College campuses are also a location where sexual assaults occur most often. This topic merits my attention because if these campaigns work than it would reduce crime rates on college campuses and allow students to feel safer.

The research purpose is exploration. It is exploration because I will be looking to see how sexual assault campaigns affect these crime rates on college campuses. If the research shows a positive correlation between more sexual assault campaigns and fewer cases of sexual assault, this could initiate a policy change. It would include a description of the response of the exploration. If it proves to be effective it would be applied to a policy analysis, which would lead to policy changes. I think that exploration is the best …show more content…

The operational definition of sexual assault awareness campaigns is promotions of the consequences of sexual assault, videos explaining consent and open conversation about how sexual assault changes both the victim and the perpetrator’s life. The operational definition of sexual assault crime rates on college campuses, is just that, the frequency of sexual assaults that occur on college campuses. The experiment will have a single measure, which is crime rates. I will only be using crime rates, because I cannot accurately account for the dark figure of crime in this case, due to the shame and embarrassment that many feel about situation and their comfort level with

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