
Sexual Assault Argument Essay

Decent Essays

A stressed college student, Margot, is walking back to her dorm late at night when suddenly she feels a tap on her shoulder. When she turns around, she sees a seemingly kind face of a peer. He offers to walk her to her dorm and asks to come inside. The next day she is still in shock from the night before, she never said no when he came onto her, but she never said yes either. She doesn’t want to cry rape in fear of what people might think. This is the harsh reality for college students all across the United States today. Nobody wants to believe that their child or friend could be guilty of such a harsh, but common crime. The truth is, these crimes happen on a daily basis. Sexual assault has been an issue on college campuses since the early …show more content…

Some believe that saying no should be enough. Critics of the movement believe it is an unattainable standard. Any form of consent should be considered affirmative. Only saying yes is unenforceable and redundant. “-if one partner touches his or her partner in a sexual way, and the person says 'I am not interested tonight,' that person has already committed sexual assault because he or she didn't get permission upfront. It's just not consistent with how adults act (‘Sexual Assault’).” This passage suggests that able minded adults would not be able to make any sexual actions towards each other without it being considered sexual assault. Adults should be able to act as they please as long as they are consenting in some type of way and stop if consent is …show more content…

Hookup culture on college campuses, most likely, is why there is such a panic over sexual assault (“The Campus”). This example suggests that college campuses do not have an issue with rape, but an issue with their students hooking up on a regular basis without having an actual relationship. This creates bigger issues like confusion in communication and misreading of body language. To conclude, “yes means yes” policies do not need to be put in place as all consent should be considered affirmative and it institutes the idea that rape culture is an issue, when in reality it is just hookup

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