
Sex Trafficking Persuasive Speech

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Sex trafficking is becoming more of a problem as time moves on. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harbouring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion [Internet Safety 101]. Sex trafficking is increasing due to the evolution of modern day social services and sources. From safety sources, it is the second fastest growing criminal industry, [Internet Safety 101]. Increasingly, sex trafficking is coming about due to the evolution of the internet and the improved ability of GPS tracking. On social media, many people find other people and try to be their friend, even if they don't know who they are. This provides opportunities for fake people to create more of a problem. The internet is providing different advertising places that can increase the effect of sex trafficking and lure in citizens to becoming victims. Sex trafficking has to come to an end for the safety of citizens, for the safety of their pride and dignity. Sex trafficking is becoming a much bigger problem due to the internet and the ability to capitalize GPS tracking. A GPS is a program that can direct you to a certain address, or can help you track towards anyone in a location. Different objects are improving and being invented to make GPS tracking an easier thing for civilians, but sometimes it's used in the wrong way. Chips or objects that can track someone on the internet, or a type of

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