I support the integrative approach. To emerge the seven perspectives of the mind together is a great chance to research the human mind and to make a better perfective of the human brain. The Seven Perspective supports my conclusion. The Social neuroscientist researches the mind. It helps to find out, why do act certain ways and why are we influence, when we are in group settings. It too deals with the experience of social inclusion, rejection, or loneliness. The Biological relates to the deportment of the behavior and the nervous organization. Evolutionary helps species stay in a survival mode and to be able to reproduce. It has also come from life experience. The Development is how we change over time as we age. The Clinical treatments are
The approaches of humanistic and biological are just two of the many different approaches in the world of psychology. A few of the others are trait, cognitive, and psychoanalytic approaches, each offers a
In terms of human behaviour, psychology provides alternative perspectives, known as approaches, which give explanation to human behaviours. What makes each approach unique is that they all have their own focal points for how to explain behaviour. For example, the biological approach looks to the evolutionary processes and gene mutations/hormone levels, whilst the cognitive approach looks at how behaviour is influenced
My therapeutic approach focuses on the emotions and is based on the physiological and neurological models of behavioral response rather than on the cognitive model. From this science backed biological perspective, emotions are at the heart of life's regulatory processes of all living creatures, regardless of whether we are talking about emotions that are genetically determined, or those that are somehow the result of a cognitive process.
Psychology can be defined as the systematic study of mental processes, couple with behaviors, and experiences (Kalat, 2011). There are many ways in examining, mental processes and behaviors among people, and therefore psychologist uses different perspectives to understand how human beings, think, act, and behave. Some psychologist uses one perspective to analyze behaviors, and other uses a multidimensional approach. Carter & Seifert (2013) identified 7 major perspectives that are used to study people’s behavior, and mental processes. These perspectives are the biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and the sociocultural perspective.
(AC1) Two perspectives in psychology are the behaviourist approach and the biological (also known as physiological) approach. These perspectives consist of different theories, research methods and treatments in relation to mental illness.
Focus of this approach is on how genetics, neurotransmitters, neurophysiology, etc. play a major role in mental illness. Before the biomedical approach mental health professionals used the psychosocial approach which attributed behavior and environment as the cause of mental illness disorders. Does this approach blame our surroundings such as abusive parent/parents or maybe the school bully? Maybe it is merely how we perceive ourselves. So the psychosocial model looks at factors such as culture and social aspects and focuses on them. The biomedical model focuses on the actual patient not on their emotions or social circumstances. Treatment options with the biomedical approach include prescription medications, laser therapy, brain stimulation, etc., and psychosocial's treatment is based on changing behavior through counseling sessions. I personally believe both approaches are helpful and can work hand in hand. For example my mother suffers from depression, neither counseling sessions or medication have been successful alone, she uses both treatments and now she is using alpha stim machine. While she is still taking medications they have been reduced and she still goes to counseling sessions but not as
The four major perspectives of Psychology are: Biological, Learning, Cognitive, and Sociocultural. First, is the biological perspective which relates to bodily events that affect the behavior, feelings, and thoughts. During the biological perspective electrical impulses shoot along the nervous system and hormones flow through the blood stream alerting the internal organs to slow down or speed up. The biological perspective affects the nervous system, hormones, brain chemistry, heredity, and evolutionary influences. A child who has been exposed to abuse may also grow up to abusive which is an example of the biological perspective. Second, is the learning perspective which the environment and experience affect the behavior of humans or animals. The environment either rewards or punish that maintains or discourage behaviors. Behaviors are based on acts and events taking place within the environment. Environmental influences, observations and imitation, beliefs, and values affect the learning perspective. A violent role model can influence a child to behave aggressively is an example of the learning perspective. Third, is the cognitive perspective which is the psychological approach that emphasizes mental process in perception, memory, language, and problem solving. The cognitive perspective shows how thoughts and explanations affect their actions, feelings, and choices. The cognitive approach is one of the strongest forces in psychology. A violent person may be quick to
(P1)The biological approach means that our behavior is the cause of biological factors. This approach looks at our genetics to construct a reason why we act the way we do and why we develop abnormal behaviors. The brain and nervous system are the biological approach and so are chemical changes in the body .This can mean chemical reactions in the brain. For instance, in eating disorders - twin studies were carried out and it was shown that if one identical twin suffered from an eating disorder then the other twin would also be more likely to suffer from a disorder as well. This did not happen with non-identical twins, suggesting that the
Want to learn how a young girl with her entire life ahead of her ends ups hooking for a charismatic pimp? During her journey, she starts to have second thoughts about the life she choose But, he makes it very clear that the only way she leaves the game is in a casket! Smart and savvy herself, she comes up with a deadly plan to escape and take everything he’s worked for while she’s at it. But will she survive this deadly game of cat and mouse?
The 5 Perspectives of Psychology The five major perspectives in psychology are the biological, humanistic-existential, cognitive, psychodynamic, and sociocultural perspectives. Each one of these perspectives looks for answers about behavior through diverse methods and through looking for answers to different types of questions. The different approaches, each perspective form their own explanations about behavior.
Biological psychology, of biopsychology, is the application of the principles of biology to the study of mental processes in terms of bodily mechanisms. The view that psychological processes have biological (or physiological) correlates, is the basic assumption of the whole field of biological psychology. Biological psychology is a hopeful domain, one that has much to offer in terms of improving the quality of life of the healthy as well as those suffering from disorders. It also contributed important therapeutic data on a variety of conditions, including: Parkinson 's Disease, Alzheimer 's Disease, Clinical depression, Schizophrenia and a lot others. Humans have very complex nervous system, they use neurons and neurotransmitters to make the highest active communication network throughout the body. “most of the body’s neurons are found in the central nervous system(CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord” (psychology 5th edition). “Neuroscience emphasizes that the brain and nervous system are central to understanding behavior, thought, and emotion. (Van Horn, 2014; Zhao & others, 2014). Therefore, for biological psychologist all that is psychological is first physiological. All thoughts, feeling & behavior ultimately have a biological cause.” We are benefited from biological approach for diagnosing and treating human brains Ex. Schizophrenia. Scientists are also able to create medications for different types of illnesses. Besides having psychologists
“If, at the start, you are not successful in finding the desired employment, new plans, or that which you have specifically wanted, then be very sure that you fill at least a portion of your time with some kind of outgiving service which will be of help to others.”
“If, at the start, you are not successful in finding the desired employment, new plans, or that which you have specifically wanted, then be very sure that you fill at least a portion of your time with some kind of outgiving service which will be of help to others.”
“Clear thinking, health, happiness, friendships, and prosperity are all important and worthy. They are steps on the stairway up which man climbs in his ascent in spiritual realization.”
“As a blind man might find a jewel in heaps of rubbish, this Awakening Mind has somehow appeared in me. This is the elixir of life, born to end death in the world. This is the inexhaustible treasure…. The supreme medicine, curing the sickness of the world”. What is the Awakening Mind? It can be described to be a source that is produced for the welfare of the world. Sometimes described to be a tree that constantly produces fruit, never withering. It is the only existence that is eternal amongst the emptiness of the universe. The Awakening Mind offers sanctuary and immeasurable expertise like unique caravan leaders to those who seek it. This limitless “jewel” is sought after by the mind, which is only possible when the mind understands the truth