
Separation Of Mixtures Lab Report

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How to Separate a Mixture of Iron, Sand, and Salt
The mixture of iron, sand, and salt can be separated by their physical properties. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are NOT chemically combined. Some properties of mixtures include that only physical changes occur when creating mixtures and that they can be separated by physical means. Mixtures also can be made with any ratio or amount of substances and the substances themselves keep their identities. The combination of iron, sand, and salt, follow all these rules so therefore it is a mixture. In this experiment, each substance in the mixture has a physical property different from the others which allows it to be removed.
The first substance separated was iron. Iron …show more content…

Sand is tan in color and has a variety of particle sizes. The larger particles in sand are rough seashell pieces or smooth pebbles whereas the smaller particles are soft and felt like what could be described as “pure sand”. Furthermore, when water is added to sand, it becomes a suspension. A suspension is a mixture in which particles of a material are dispersed throughout but are heavy enough to settle out. Suspensions are examples of heterogeneous mixtures too. That means that you can see all the different parts. So in this situation, the sand is dispersed in the water and is heavy enough to settle out. Plus, the sand and water should be distinguishable from each other. But in addition for particles to settle in a suspension, they can also be filtered out. Thus, the best way to get the sand out of the water is through …show more content…

Size matters because the larger particles will not go through the filter holes but smaller particles will and solubility matters because if a substance is dissolved in another substance, it has a better chance of going through the filter than just going undissolved. But as we attempted to filter out the sand, there were a few variables that were not thought of such as a dirty collection beaker. If the beaker was contaminated then the water would appear cloudy. Next, the filter was not locked in place within the funnel. We could have poured down the sides of the filter by mistake and contaminated water did not go through the filter and went into the beaker. Finally, we could have gotten impatient and pushed the sand down with the stirring rod. This would cause the filter to rip and let larger sand particles come through. Although filtration requires some patience, it is a solid method for separating sand from the

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