
Sensory Integration Theory

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Approximately 90% of occupational therapists, who work in school settings, use interventions based on the sensory integration (SI) theory and the understanding of sensory processing to treat sensory processing disorder (SPD) (Ahn, Miller, Milberger, & McIntosh, 2004). A sensory diet is one of the interventions based on the SI theory and consists of a combination of sensorimotor activities designed to provide a child sensory stimuli for facilitating adaptive behavior. The dissertation focuses on investigating the effectiveness of a sensory diet in improving a child’s engagement in school activities.
The interventions constructed on the SI theory are based on the assumption that the brain’s ability to make the sense of sensory stimuli from the body (movement and joint/ …show more content…

However, the literature on the effectiveness of SBIs remains limited. Although seven systematic reviews evaluated the effectiveness of interventions based on the SI theory in the last decade, these reviews did not find conclusive evidence supporting the use of SBIs or sensory diets. However, the results of these reviews also conclude that the ASI may show improvements in the areas of motor skills, socialization, attention, behavioral regulation, self-care skills, and teachers’ and parents’ perceptions of children’s skills (Case-Smith, Weaver, & Fristad, 2015; May-Benson & Koomar, 2010; Watling & Hauer, …show more content…

Impaired sensory gating and multisensory mechanisms in children with SPD impacts their ability to attend and respond to the source of relevant stimuli and consequently, their ability to generate an appropriate emotional, motor, and behavioral

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