
Wilbargers Deep Pressure

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Literature Review During the course of research, there were many commonalities found in the literature surrounding Wilbargers’ Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique. The majority of the studies that focused on the treatment of children with a primary diagnosis of sensory defensiveness. Because occupational therapists use a more holistic approach when treating clients, the perspectives of the parents and caregivers were given great value in their studies. For one study, a major instrument used to collect data was a parent/caregiver questionnaire (Bhoti & Brown, 2013). The questions provided researchers with information all of the following regarding inconvenience that the intervention may have caused, impact on daily routine, empowerment, …show more content…

However, one article was dedicated to researching the application of the Wilbarger Protocol on adult psychiatric patients. Participants in this study included three women diagnosed with depression and either Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, or Borderline Personality Disorder and had histories of serious self-injurious behaviors (Moore & Henry, 2002). After one month of treatment and then a 6-9 month follow-up, the women had perceived positive outcomes from the treatment; their Sensory Defensiveness symptoms had dramatically decreased since the beginning of the study. (Moore & Henry, 2002) In the articles, there was a definitive link between the body’s central nervous system and sensory defensiveness. Sensory modulation is described as how the body’s nervous system regulates and organizes its reactions to sensory input (Kimball, Lynch, Steward, Williams, Thomas & Atwood 2007). Habituation and sensitization are two of the ways that the brain adjusts and organizes itself (Bhopti & Brown 2013). Regulation of habituation and sensitization is required for a person to remain in their individual range of optimal performance (Kimball et al., …show more content…

A. Jean Ayres. Ayres’ was an occupational therapist that was responsible for the foundation and practice of sensory integration theory (W&S). Sensory integration theory is used to explain behavior, plan intervention, and predict how behavior will change through intervention (Roley et al., 2007). Ayres’ focus was on the organization of the central nervous system and how it was involved in the process of children using sensory information. Ayres’ theory of sensory integration describes how the neurological process relates to the recognition and organization of sensation from the body and environment (Devlin et al., 2010). This disorganization can lead to problems with learning, development, and behavior and also has a negative impact on occupational performance. In relation to the topic of Wilbargers’ DPPT, the focus of the articles collected was related to theoretical research on one particular sensory modulation problem defined by Ayres: tactile defensiveness. Tactile defensiveness is exhibited through the negative influence of touch avoidance symptoms (Moore & Henry, 2002). The aim of the Wilbargers’ DPPT is to utilize the connection between the client’s tactile sensation through the skin and nervous system to improve and normalize the sensation of

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