
Self Response Essay Sample

Decent Essays

Mr. Adamou Fode, PhD, a former student of mine at Bowling Green State University, has asked me to write a letter attesting his good character, importance to the community, and the contributions that he has made or will continue to make to society. I am very pleased to write it on his behalf. Adamou received his PhD in applied mathematics from Bowling Green State University, OH in 2014. During his matriculation Adamou was in at least seven classes taught by me, including two numerical PDE classes, one iterative solution of nonlinear equations class, one distribution theory class, and one semilinear PDE class. He performed very well in these classes. When he was preparing for the PhD preliminary exams on PDEs, I often met with him or exchanged emails to …show more content…

He was well motivated, energetic, sincere, responsible, and was always willing to help others on short notice. He never disappointed me on anything I assigned him to do. Although I was not his dissertation(academic) advisor, I feel very confident giving my strong support concerning personal side of him. I have attended his talks and borrowed his pre-calculus lesson plans to teach a summer class that I inadvertently got in the summer of 2014 (I usually teach graduate courses). I found his preparation material well thought and his suggestions on lower level class teaching have also taught me a thing or two. His teaching evaluation from the last six consecutive semesters didn't receive a single negative comment, not even from students who were expecting low grades. I think his personality gave assurance to students that he did care about them. In his last year at BGSU, he also got a teaching award. From his CV you can see that he had covered the whole spectrum of courses ranging from remedial math to Calculus II. In our department the calculus sequence is usually not taught by a teaching assistant, and the fact that he taught it for two consecutive years is an indication of

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