
Self Reflection In Counselling

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The counselling video provided a useful tool to self-reflect and become responsive to my interactions with cliental. Having the ability to replay an identical interview multiple times I have been able to build an in-depth analysis of my own strengths and weaknesses of my counselling skills. (At 6:34 minute mark, issue exploration begins). Analysis of use of self In the beginning phase of the counselling session I attended to the preliminary section of the meeting. I condoned a convenient place to meet, so that my client would feel comfortable, and at ease. This is important so that the client feels comfortable in sharing. I offered water in which the client accepted. While attending to my client I maintained appropriate body language. I made sure to sit straight and have my shoulders pointed directly to her, and made consistent eye contact. I wanted to place myself in a manner that directly faced her so my client would feel like the focus was primarily on her. Although, my personal mannerisms could have been interpreted as distracting and a loss of objectivity. Aside from my attending body posture, I did present stiff and unrelaxed throughout most of the session. I did not move the entire interview with the exception of my hands when I spoke, which as a bit too often. The client attempted some humor or lightheartedness twice, which perhaps should have invoked a smile or a mild chuckle from myself to recognize the client’s effort at being humorous. But I did not respond.

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