
Self Immolation

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On June 11th, 1963, the world watched as the Buddhist monk, Thích Quảng Đức self-immolated in protest of the political oppression of the Diệm government in South Vietnam. In recent years, Buddhists in Tibet have also been engaging in self-immolation in order to protest the Chinese rule. Those who choose to self-immolate do so in an attempt at regaining control over a situation in which the individual or group has little to no power. Due to the extreme nature of this phenomenon, it is imperative to investigate how this violent act of protest corresponds with Buddhist teachings on non-violence. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the act of self-immolation is not compatible with Buddhist teachings regarding non-violence. To accomplish this, the teachings of ahimsa will be analyzed, Subsequently, self-immolation will be applied to the four noble truths and the ways in which they contrast will be examined. Following, the way in which self-immolation contradicts the Buddhist teachings regarding the middle way will be explored. The act of self-immolation as performed by Buddhists contradicts the teachings of ahimsa. The principles of ahimsa are an integral part of the Buddhist tradition. Specifically, ahimsa is a “sanskrit term meaning non-harming” (O’Sullivan, 31). In this context, violence is to be minimized as much as possible in order to relieve the mind of violent attitudes that do not support productive conditions for meditation and will ultimately lead to the

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