At this point in time the ubiquity of personal and sensitive information of businesses and individuals who participate in the world economy is greater than ever. As in the past, your information could be found on an old credit card statement inside your garbage can at the end of your driveway; just waiting to be plucked by the next crafty criminal who can get his hands on it. Now your sensitive personal information is inside not only in your garbage can but as a result of the last couple of decades, information technology now has the ability to send your personal information in packets of data and over telephone wires. Extensive research has come up with empirical evidence that Internet Identity theft is on the rise in the
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There are several key points and underlying themes that I have hinted to already but I will take the chance to further elucidate the main objectives for the rest of the paper:
<li> The progressive compression of space and time as a result of the globalization phenomenon has had significant implications on businesses and individuals and has brought together in ways they never thought possible (Stromquist 2000).
<li> Globalization has led to innovation in information technology, more specifically, with the invention of the Internet, information can be sent around the world at lightning fast speeds.
<li> Within the new international data transmission infrastructure money can be exchanged in the form of data, giving birth to what is now the booming industry E-commerce.
<li> The data required by E-commerce not only attracts businesses and consumers globally, but because of the profitable nature of the data used to exchange money, Internet criminals known as "hackers" electronically probe and loiter networked pathways with the intention of intercepting this valuable information.
<li> The nature of newer, wireless technology has many more security issues because rather than data transmission through wire as before, the air is being used as the medium of transmission allowing less discrete areas for possible network access.
<li> The most recent security measures are those in the practices of data encryption and electronic payment systems.
In recent years, the world has seen significant changes in technology. With new technology come new challenges. One of those new challenges is identity theft. Identity theft can happen through the internet, ATM, emails, or even a phone. Identity theft can happen when any person(s) takes an individual’s information, such as their Social Security number, or even banking information for financial gain. “Close to 100 million Americans have their personal information placed at risk of theft each year when records in databases are lost, stolen or accessed by unauthorized individuals” (Information systems and technology, n.d.). Identity theft not only costs the person, whose
It’s no secret, the internet sensation has made many people redundant, however, over the past decade this global phenomenon has seen the birth of over 1.2 million jobs, dawning a new era for humanity. With rapid developments occurring in the design, development and implementation of technological discoveries. Traditional legal principles and processes are constantly challenged by the need to keep pace with new technologies. in particular, identity theft has skyrocketed since the rise of the internet; a 2012 survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed 7% of respondents were directly affected by identity crime in the preceding six months. Identity theft not only affects Australian citizens it’s also a cancer to national security, in order for the government to beat this epidemic it’s imperative that harsher punishments are imposed on cyber criminals.
Globalization may be defined as the integration of the world 's people, firms and government. In the modern context, globalization is usually the result of closer ties in international trade, known as bilateral trade agreements. The WTO and NAFTA are two examples of such bilateral trade agreements. With such agreements, cross-country investment increases. This increase in investment is aided by the increase in information technology and communications, which has undergone a significant advancement over the last two decades with the rise of the Internet and mobile telephony (Green, 2013). It is important to the business to expand; global expansion and globalization would a positive business decision to complete in this process due to the strategic goals and objectives the company possesses. Healthy growth can be accomplished by globalization of specific areas selected and determined through research of market and development of these areas outlined within.
The one thing that can be agreed on is that in the last couple of decades globalization has seen a tremendous boost as technology has gotten better. Within this time technology has evolved in a way which allows for cheaper and faster tools allowing for better communication in real time. Data collecting has also become easier to gather and use. Which has all begun to allow companies and people to do business around the world easier.
Throughout time, privacy and security have been two heavily debated topics. There has always been a struggle to find middle ground between a private environment and a secure environment, but the dawn of technology and the Internet has made this struggle even more difficult. The Internet has drastically decreased the expectation of privacy of any and all individuals that have ever used it. Technology in general can pose a threat to an individual’s physical and virtual security. The Internet has also brought forth a sense of anonymity to those looking to conceal their true identities, some of which plan to commit horrific crimes. Privacy and security go hand in hand, however security is by far the most important.
Only within the past few years have there even been reliable estimates of the incidence of identity theft. “The first thorough survey of the extent of identity theft was conducted for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2003. A similar survey, involving interviews with slightly more than 4,900 randomly selected individuals, was conducted for the commission between March and June 2006” (Anderson, Durbin, & Salinger. ID Theft). Victims of identity theft are commonplace and the resulting monetary losses have been impressive. However, this attention to identity theft is a fairly new phenomenon. With its immense growth, attention and precedence, cyber-criminals are able to infiltrate and depreciate the integral infrastructure of our society which creates a cultural lapse through the declination of economic and cultural growth and double jeopardize an already unstable system to the brink of its destruction. Research has suggested that victims of identity theft spend an average of $1,500 in out-of-pocket expenses and an average of 175 hours per incident of identity theft in order to resolve the many problems caused by identity
Globalization is the increasing interdependence and connectedness of the world, its businesses and it markets, as well as flow of goods, ideas, technology, people etc. This phenomenon has increased vastly over the years due to technological advances, telecommunications and internet. As the world becomes a global economy, countries have the opportunity to advance more but with the catch that there is also increased competition. Thus as it becomes more common and powerful a feature, it also has some resistance as well. (InvestorWords, n.d.)
Globalisation is the process by which the world is both becoming more interlinked and compressed via communications, trade, technology and ideas. This leads to interdependence, where global links and communications lead to countries becoming more reliant on each other, especially in economic terms; with trade and intercontinental investments intertwining global growth. Advancements in technology in recent years have led to increased communications and faster and more efficient travel. This has caused the process of globalisation to speed up rapidly, especially in relation to the time-space continuum, in which events happening in one area of the world reach other areas within a matter of hours over the internet and more efficient phone
Another way to protect our information is to be diligent in researching who we are doing business with, and what their practices are in regards to protecting our information once they have it. In recent years, there have been several instances of high profile security breaches from some
How do you secure your identity with the Internet developing faster than can be protected? Attempting to stay ahead of the hackers and attackers has been a contentious effort since the Internet’s earliest days as a research project. Today, after thirty years of prolific development, security concerns have only increased. Designing computer systems and devices which are capable of resisting attack from within, while growing and evolving at an epidemic rate is almost an impossible endeavor. Today, identity theft is the nation’s fastest growing white collar crime and preys upon the financial resources and reputations of its victims to include children and deceased. In many
The internet is a medium that is becoming progressively important as it makes information available in a quick and easy manner. It has transformed communications and acts as a global network that allows people to communicate and interact without being limited by time, boarders and distance. However, the infrastructure is vulnerable to hackers who use the system to commit cyber crime. To accomplish this, they make use of innovative stealth techniques for their malicious purposes in the internet.
Globalization is a particular process driven by international trade and investment intentions that works to integrate the companies, people, and governments of different nations. Globalization has an impact on several key factors of the global nations and citizens. Just a few of the things impacted by globalization are the environment, political systems, culture, economic development, prosperity, quality of life, and the well-being of people in societies around the world. Information technology has been a major driving force behind globalization and that information technology has now become a key component of a corporation’s global business strategy. Advancements in information technology have dramatically influenced economic life, as well as giving consumers, investors, and businesses valuable new tools for identifying and pursuing economic opportunities throughout the world. Information technology and tools based on IT enabled them to identify the economic trends happening globally more securely, as well as letting people involved in economic transactions and collaborations work more conveniently with people located in other regions throughout the world (Jilberto, 2002).
Additionally, the Internet has benefited the world by connecting users to billions of pieces of information from universities, libraries and databases around the world. No matter where you are in the world as long as you have internet access you can learn anything you need to know about a topic in a matter of minutes. My work on this argument is an example of how the internet is beneficial to all who use it. Without access to the internet, this would have been much more labor intensive. It would have required many evenings away from home spent in a library doing research. Instead, I was able to do all of my research from work and home, which allowed for less time away from my son.
People around the world are more connected to each other than ever before. Information and money flow quicker than ever. Products produced in one part of a country are available to the rest of the world. It is much easier for people to travel, communicate and do business internationally. This whole phenomenon has been called globalization. Spurred on in the past by merchants, explorers, colonialists and internationalists, globalization has in more recent times been increasing rapidly due to improvements in communications, information and transport technology. It has also been encouraged by trade liberalization and financial market deregulation.
Their operations are very slick and swift such that stolen data is quickly exploited within seconds of being submitted by unsuspecting victims. Since 2005, over 400,000 databases have been compromised since 2005, and thousands more have gone unnoticed or reported. About 40 percent of those involved in IT security have no fixed figure on the number of hackings their companies have experienced. One of the rapidly increasing areas of ecommerce is in the use of web-based applications to replace traditional over-the counter transactions. Hackers have expectedly, latched on. According to a study by Gartner, over 75 percent of Internet security breaches are due to flaws and loop holes in software. The reason for this is that, applications are normally designed and put together quickly to get the system running, and no time is spend analyzing and assessing security implications. As computer hackers continue to step up their operations in line with technology advancements, the securities and future industry recorded a 150 percent increase in the number of suspicious activities detected by their systems. During the same time, research carried out at the University of Maryland indicated that a computer connected to the Internet was subject to an attempted hack every 40 seconds. The battle between ecommerce websites and consumers wages on, according to an independent analyst, ‘consumers are losing a tug of war.’ Simon Smelt, an economist who runs a survey company