NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA, SURATHKAL DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Title: Secure Data Access in Cloud Computing Author: Sunil Sanka, Chittaranjan Hota, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, Computer Science and Information Systems Group, Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Published in IEEE Explore,2010 Student details: 11CO19 Asmita Gupta 11CO35 Gaurangi Saxena Abstract Cloud computing [1][2] is an evolving computing paradigm in which resources of the computing infrastructure are provided as services over the Internet. However this paradigm poses many new challenges for data security and access control. Users outsource data for sharing on cloud servers. This data may not be within the same trusted domain as data owners and hence is susceptible to various malicious attacks. One of the most challenging ongoing issues in cloud computing are data security [3]and access control due to which most of the ongoing research is dedicated to mitigating these challenges. To ensure the confidentiality of sensitive user data against untrusted servers, existing work try to use cryptographic techniques like disclosing data decryption keys only to authorized users. However these solutions inexorably introduce heavy computation overhead on the data owner for key distribution and data management when fine-grained data access control is desired, and thus do not scale
A company allows its staffs in the same groupor department to store and share files in the cloud. By utilizing the cloud, the staffs can be completely released from the troublesome local data storage and maintenance.However, it also poses a significant risk to the confidentialityof those stored files. Specifically, the cloud serversmanaged by cloud providers are not fully trusted by userswhile the data files stored in the cloud may be sensitive andconfidential, such as business plans. To preserve dataprivacy, a basic solution is to encrypt data files, and thenupload the encrypted data into the cloud. Unfortunately,designing an efficient and secure data sharing scheme forgroups in the cloud is not an easy task due to the followingchallenging issues.First, identity privacy is one of the most significantobstacles for the wide
1, 2,3,4,5 Department of Information Technology, Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
The economic case for cloud computing is compelling and at the same time there are striking challenges in its security. The concepts of cloud computing security issues are fundamentally new and intractable. What appears new is only relative to traditional computing that has been practiced since several years. Many such security problems have been giving attention since the time-sharing era. Cloud computing providers have and can build datacenters as large due to their expertise in organizing and provisioning computational resources at
We proposes a scheme based on attribute based encryption (ABE) to deduplicate encrypted data stored in the cloud while at the same time supporting secure data access control. proposes to outsource only encrypted data to CSPs. However, the same or different users could save duplicated data under different encryption schemes at the cloud. Although cloud storage space is huge, this kind of duplication wastes networking resources, consumes excess power, and complicates data management. intra-user deduplication and inter deduplication. In their scheme, the ciphertext C of convergent encryption is further encrypted with a user key and transferred to the servers. However, it doesn’t deal with data sharing after deduplication among different users.
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Bhivarabai Sawant Institute Of Technology and Reasearch, Wagholi, Pune, India 1
Department of Information Technology, Oriental Institute of Science & Technology, Thakral Nagar, Opp. Patel Nagar, Raisan Road, Bhopal. E-mail:-
1234 BE IT, Department of Information Technology, RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
3 Research Associate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India -603203
We consider a cloud computing environment consisting of a cloud service provider (CSP), a data owner, and many users [few with read and few with both read/write permission]. The CSP maintains cloud infrastructures, which pool the bandwidth, storage space, and CPU power of many cloud servers to provide 24/7 services. The CSP mainly provides two services: data storage and re-encryption. After obtaining the encrypted data from the data owner, the CSP will store the data. On receiving a data access request from a user, the CSP will re-encrypt the ciphertext based on attributes, and return the re-encrypted ciphertext.
Department Of Computer Engineering, PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology, SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: Cloud technology is very constructive and usefulin present new technological era, where a person uses the internet and the remote servers to give and maintain data as well as applications. Such applications in turn can be used by the end users via the cloud communications without any installation. Moreover, the end users‟ data files can be accessed and manipulated from any other computer using the internet services. Despite the flexibility of data and application accessing and usage that cloud computing environments provide, there are many questions still coming up on how to gain a trusted environment that protect data and applications in clouds from hackers and intruders. Cloud storage should be able to store and share data securely, efficiently, and flexibly with others in cloud storage. The costs and complexities involved generally increase with the number of the decryption keys to be shared. The encryption key and decryption key are different in public key encryption. Since we are proposing new era of Aggregate key cryptography. To produce constant length ciphertext is also one of important task that we have materialized. In this paper, we propose a simple, efficient, and publicly verifiable approach to ensure cloud data security while sharing between
We can protect the data on cloud by decreasing its value to the attacker or intruder.We can achieve this by seeding false information in other word using disinformation attack. We imagine thatsecure cloud services can be implemented given six other security features:
In order to overcome the security problems faced by cloud computing a new technology known as Homomorphic encryption is being put to use. It is a type of encryption that allows all the computational process to be made available to carry on cryptographic which is one on a plain text using an algorithm. This is one of the most improved and effective technique used in today’s architecture that is related to communication systems. This encryption combined all the different services that are needed together without letting out the data to any of these services. This homomorphic encryption data can be transferred into cryptographic encryption by altering the design. This change allows their encryption to be used in cloud computing
M. Tech Scholar, Al-Falah School of Engg and Tech., Dhauj, Faridabad-121004, Haryana, India M. Tech Scholar, Al-Falah School of Engg and Tech., Dhauj, Faridabad-121004, Haryana, India 3 Senior Lecturer (Computer Science and Engg), Al-Falah School of Engg and Tech., Dhauj, Faridabad-121004, Haryana, India
Cloud computing environment fundamentally facilitate two basic functions: computing and data storage. Data security remains an issue in the use of ICT, but in the cloud computing environment, it becomes even more worrying issue for its users, because cloud services are delivered over the internet and are provided by large scale data centres. The cloud data centres can be located anywhere in the world, and consumers’ usually have little or no control over how it is stored and managed. Cloud technology is increasingly adopted by companies as it has enormous benefits as well as draw backs. This study analyses security issues within cloud computing environment particularly focuses on privacy and issues regarding data security, how could cloud data in cloud be made more secure and explores various data security solutions and techniques.