
Scout's Changes In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Scout had many people in her life that tried to shape her into the perfect child that radiated femininity. Not only strangers or neighbors tried to make her change her ways but along with her family and surprisingly someone she treated like a best friend, her brother, she must have felt pressure to please everyone. One of the more prominent people who tried to mold Scout into another drone-like female back then was her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher who thought that Scout being further educated than her class was almost a sin. Scout could read and write script while others her age could not and instead of being praised for an accomplishment, she was punished. The day a child is punished because she learned how to read before her teacher gave …show more content…

Aunt Alexandra wanted Scout to wear dresses and participate in tea parties rather than wear overalls and play games with Dill and Jem. She wanted Scout to be an Alexandra-in-progress by making her join her in tea or took her away from the role-playing games with Jem and Dill to behave like a proper lady. Aunt Alexandra wanted Scout to act like her own person, but her own person should be like every other female at the time. Scout wanted to ignore her aunt and stay true to herself, to be different, but eventually she gave in and wore the dress and went to the tea party to please her aunt, not out of a willing change of character. It is refreshing to see someone, child or adult, to instead of taking everyone’s desires of what one should wear or act like take it and will not let it impact their thoughts on themselves. Scout took what her aunt said and instead of being bitter and turning resentful towards Aunt Alexandra for it, like most others would, she stayed true to herself and tried to pretend to make her Aunt happy. Aunt Alexandra was not even able to touch the clay to try and form

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