
Unhealthyness In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Self expression and discoverment is key in the course of growing up, allowing for a child to get to know oneself. During Christmas, Scout is continuously, ridiculed about her actions by family members. Scout is told by her Aunt that she should, “behave like a sunbeam” (108). This simile comparing behavior to a “sunbeam” enhances the idea that children are meant to be rays of sunlight that brighten others day not be an embarrassment. Sunbeams represent cheerfulness, not trouble. There is no space for failure or individuality. Her Uncle even goes on describing her actions as “obstreperous” and “disorderly” (113). Apparently she is too noisy and does not act right. She is not allowed to be silly or participate in quarrel taking away her worldliness. …show more content…

Aunt Alexandra then goes on to speak negatively with Atticus about Scout’s attitude and how she is getting out of control. While hearing their conversion Scout feels “the starched walls on a pink cotton penitentiary closing in on her” (182). Imagery is being used to illustrate the world that she lives in. Scout feels pressured to be someone else and is overwhelmed. After all, “starched walls” is what is found all around Maycomb. Everyone is supposed to behave in an orderly manner and be tasteless with their lack of individuality. She lives in a “pink cotton penitentiary” that looks nice from the outside, but once unraveled it’s truly a place where judgment lies. Scout an eight year old child is already facing harsh judgment that makes her think of “running away” (182). She feels the pressure to conform to the standards of feminism and does not want to take part. She wants to be herself and not like all the other ladies in town. Unsupportive family and friends are absolutely dreadful and can definitely take away valuable knowledge from children. Adolescents that do not grow up in an environment that is accepting are often found missing beneficial experiences and left unable to discuss and understand their

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