
Scout Finch Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Scout Finch was an amazing character in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee. As the narrator of the story, she allows the reader to truly get inside her mind and see what she was thinking the moment she went through them. The story took place in a small city called Maycomb during the Great Depression. Scout was 6 years old when the novel began, so the reader can imply she’s going to be one mischievous character that we will later see grow into a fine young lady, and that’s exactly what we saw. During the duration of the novel, Scout goes through things and learns lessons that help shape her to fit her role in society. At the beginning of the book, Scout is an ill-tempered, short fused child who lashes out at anybody who stands in her path. A couple examples of this include Walter Cunningham, and Ms. Caroline. In the Walter Cunningham incident, Scout is furious with Walter as she believed her trouble with Ms. Caroline was all his fault so she took her anger out on him by beating him and teasing him. …show more content…

She fully became a new person when she was attacked by Bob Ewell, only to be saved by Boo Radley. During that time after the incident, the sheriff went out to investigate, only to come back saying Bob stabbed himself even when Boo killed Bob himself. Atticus knew the true answer and was about to go and bring Boo to court but was interrupted by the sheriff who said it was inhumane to put Boo in front of that court and have him speak in front of the entire town of Maycomb. Scout, having heard the whole discussion, agreed with the sheriff after he left, saying it was best for everybody if they all believed Bob had killed himself. This small scene truly showed how Scout was grateful for what Boo had done for her and Jem, displaying bold acts of maturity and understanding of the position Boo would be in if he did go to

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