
School Shooting Persuasive Speech

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School shootings are not a joking matter. Could you imagine being in a situation where you are hearing gunshots coming from every corner, not knowing if you will see your friends or family ever again? On April 20th, 1999 Columbine High became one of the schools that went through a real living hell. This high school in Colorado will never be the same.
Margie Harrell, a resident of Lincoln county Missouri, had the opportunity to listen in on some of the calls coming from the school ”I had the chance to listen to the actual audios from Columbine in a training session for 911 calls.” Harrell says “Listening to these calls filled my heart with pure devastation. Devastation for the families, devastation for the children, devastation for every one that was put in that situation. I ache for each family that lost someone that day.” with that being said, Columbine High School was put into sheer helplessness.
The kids that went to school that day didn't know what was going to happen, they didn't realize they were on the shooters list. “When the shooters entered that school I don't really know what they were thinking. Whether it was because they wanted to be famous for something, or they had a mental illness? I have no …show more content…

People have begun to think there needs to be more gun control, Harrell believes that “People are blaming the gun for killing people. The gun itself does not kill people, people kill people. Taking guns away is not going to solve the issue. Marijuana is illegal but people can still somehow get their hands on it. What makes you think people won't illegally get guns?” piggybacking off of Ms. Harrell’s thought, the 2nd amendment is the right to bear arms. The right to bear arms means that as an individual it's their right to have an armed weapon, so taking that right away from Americans will enrage society. People just can't change the constitution, it has been the backbone to our

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