
Schindler 's List Is 1993 Oscar Nominated Movie Directed By Steven Spielberg

Decent Essays

Schindler’s List is 1993 Oscar nominated movie directed by Steven Spielberg. This movie is based on the 1982 biographical novel published by the Australian author Thomas Keneally. It is an R rated movie with a 185 minutes running time. The main character of the movie, Oskar Schindler is played by Liam Neeson. The movie portrays the story of the German businessman who tried to preserve the lives of some Jewish refuges during the holocaust.
In times past, the Jews have been victims of ethnic prosecutions. The Jewish history has been stained with such prosecutions right from the Bible times up to World War II and even beyond. The most horrific and gruesome of such persecutions was witnessed during the World War II.
Schindler’s List depicts the true story of Oskar Schindler during the holocaust. Oskar was a German industrialist and businessman who was also a strong member of Nazi party. As a businessman, Schindler showered Nazi officers with bribes and lavish gifts in order to overcome bureaucracies during wartime Germany. With time he became very wealthy during the peak of the world war.
In the mist of the persecution of the Jews, Schindler was moved with compassion to intervene. He later convenience the Nazi party to build and enamel ware factor which will help fuel the war. He used his political connections to employ Jews who would have otherwise been sent to concentration camps and would subsequently end up in gas chambers.
Schindler’s list clearly shows how deprave

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