
Scarlet Pimpernell Character Analysis

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Actress Rebecca Hall once said, "It's not often you get female characters who don't fit into a box." She’s saying that most women in classic literature are not allowed to be real people with complex personalities. Females in classic literature are often portrayed as dull and uninteresting such as in Pride and Prejudice and Tom Sawyer. Yes, in some cases this is true, but in Baroness Orczy’s The Scarlet Pimpernel the female characters such as The Comtesse de Tournay and Lady Marguerite are the opposite of dull; in fact, their personalities unfold beautifully throughout the story.
The Comtesse de Tournay is an example of an interesting woman because she is extremely caring. Early on in the story when the Comtesse was first introduced she was rescued and brought back to england and her first thought was to save her husband who was left behind (Orczy 6). This shows that she has an immense sense of love for her family and cares greatly about her husband and children. Some may say that the comtesse is cruel for the way she treats Marguerite, but Marguerite was somewhat responsible for the death of …show more content…

Towards the beginning of the book she married Sir Percy, but spoke to him and everyone else extremely disrespectfully. Because She made fun of Percy and somewhat attacked the comtesse, he was put in positions where he had to control the situation and resolve the issue. Sir percy was contemplating whether to be a gentleman in front of Marguerite or strike the englishmen and while he was deciding, Marguerite intervened and called him a child. She mocked Sir Percy and laughed at him who was her husband (Orczy 15). Others may believe that Marguerite was misunderstood because she felt that her husband was never there; however, that is no excuse to treat him as less than herself. Marguerite truly believed sir percy was dull and boring; however, he was actually far more interesting than she could ever

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