
Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals

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Saul Alinsky was an American social organizer who was known for his radical ideas. These ideas eventually became Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, published in 1971, and contained twenty-four different rules. Thirteen of Alinsky’s rules focused on how to control and/or manipulate people to do what one wanted. The eleven other rules pertained to the ethics of means and ends. Alinsky was very controversial, and his rules were no exception. Alinsky shared similar ideas to Adolf Hitler, though Alinsky himself was Jewish. Alinsky’s rules are still applicable, even from a Christian theological perspective. The primary focus of this paper is to prove that a select few of Alinsky’s rules can either adhere to or go against Christian doctrine. Supporting …show more content…

By understanding information, the opposition does not know about, a person can force the opposition to become more insecure about their position, anxious and to become uncertain about what they believe. This rule, however, is not utilized to it’s fullest potential in modern society. Typically, this rule is used in politics but could be used in other organizations to control others. A biblical example of knowing something that the opposition does not know comes from Exodus. Beginning in Exodus 7, Moses is in the presence of Pharaoh demanding the release of the Israelites lest Pharaoh wanted to deal with different plagues. This continues through Exodus 12 with the death of the first born, and what became known as the Passover. After this final plague, Pharaoh was distraught and finally released the …show more content…

Deuteronomy 6:16 reads, “Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah.” A parallel verse can be found in Matthew 4:7, “Jesus said unto him, it is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Both verses are talking about not questioning the presence or abilities of God. Expanding on these verses, no person should question or push something upon another, if that person does not want to receive what will likely come to them. Therefore, if a person continuously pushes a negative, that person may receive a negative outcome rather than a positive

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