
San Hwang's Observation

Decent Essays

I am pleased to nominate San Hwang for the Dean’s Award for Service to Campus and Community. I first met San last fall, when I was his supplemental instructor for Financial Accounting. He came to my sessions with regularity and is when our friendship started.

San involvement throughout campus is remarkable. In fall 2015, he was inducted in Phi Theta Kappa, and after the induction ceremony he started coming to almost every weekly meeting. Phi Theta Kappa is well known for its four hallmarks with successful students, service, fellowship, scholarship and leadership. San excels in every one of these pillars.

He’s extremely committed to harper not just academically, but with involvement in various activities all around campus. Currently he’s …show more content…

H volunteers not just only as part of Phi Theta Kappa/Honors member but also in other places on campus this is without including his participation in other clubs. These include some of the places and events where San is currently or has volunteered, Feed my Staving Children, Elgin Crisis Center, Habitat for Humanity, Donors Winter Play Reception with the educational Foundation, Phonathon with the Educational Foundation, and finally with the ambassador program he led tours for 5th or 8th graders visiting from schools.

San Hwang involvement at Harper College is not limited to clubs and organizations. He’s involvement includes participating in the Harper College Leadership Challenge, representing the student body in the integrative learning shared governance committee and proxy for other shared governance, next month we will speak at the annual Educational Foundation Donors Breakfast, and finally he will also be speaking at the Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony.

Based on my experience with San Hwang, I highly recommend him for the Dean’s Award for Service to Campus and Community. I believe San will be an outstanding recipient of this award.

Feel free to contact me at 253-330-4603 or if you need any more

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