
Sample Case Conceptualization Of Client

Decent Essays

Conceptualization of Client
My client Kelsey has come back to counseling after twenty years. She briefly caught me up on her life since the last time I saw her. Kelsey and Jin ended up adopting twin girls who they love dearly. Kelsey decided to quit her job and become a full time stay at home mother, while Jin continued to work. She is coming to counseling because Jin decided he was leaving the family. She knows there is no possibility of working things out because he is dating his twenty six year old assistant. At the same time Jin left her, her twins were moving away for college. Kelsey is now going through a divorce and empty nest syndrome. Kelsey needs guidance in finding her new identity and learning how to live with out her happy family. She is in search for direction and meaning in her new life (Laureate Education, 2013e).
Kelsey’s Developmental Challenges …show more content…

It is time Kelsey reevaluates herself and her life. Kelsey is faced with issues that must be successfully addressed, in order for her to continue developing positively in older adulthood. Her experiences are filled with challenges, victories, and defeats, which she will conquer through in counseling (Henning, 2011). Kelsey’s first developmental challenge that needs to take priority in counseling is her lack of identity. The roles Kelsey has been playing for years are gone, which is leaving her to feel vulnerable and unidentified. The second challenge that will take priority in counseling is working through her empty nest syndrome. When Kelsey’s children moved away to college, she was left feeling sad and once Jin left, the empty nest syndrome became more tragic. Being alone without her children and husband makes stability questionable (Chen, Yang, & Dale Aagard, 2012). Through counseling, Kelsey will form reachable goals and learn interventions that will give her a sense of identity and confidence for

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