
Sacrifice In Veronica Roth's Insurgent, Tris

Decent Essays

Sacrifice is the hardest thing to do. In Veronica Roth’s Insurgent, Tris will do anything to help benefit others. Over the past while Tris has experienced a lot. She has lost friends and her parents. She has sacrificed her life and relationship with Tobias and some of closest friends. Insurgent shows that sometimes putting others needs ahead of personal needs is the best option. After experiencing almost the wipe out of a whole faction, sometimes putting others needs ahead of personal needs is whats best. Erudite has already had war with Abnegation, who knows what faction they want to go after next. The factionless and Dauntless team up to stop Erudite leader Jeanine Matthews. Some people in other factions think that she has special information so they can not kill her, because she has to retrieve that information. Tris is one of those people, in order to get the information she will have to work with Marcus. “I will be working with the father he despises” (Roth p.425). This is dangerous …show more content…

Tobias and Tris found safety at the Candor headquarters but under one condition. Tobias and Tris both had to take the truth serum. The Candor give you this serum and then ask you a set of questions that you can not lie about because the serum makes you tell the truth. Tris has a big secret and she planned on keeping it that way but in order to keep her and Tobais safe she must go under this serum. In the crowd watching her is all of the Candor faction plus Christina her best friend and Tobias. When the Candor leader asked Tris what are your deepest regrets. Tris responds saying “ I shot Will” (Roth p.151). Tris knows she had to say the truth to keep her and Tobias safe. By saying this she wrecked her relationship with Christina because Will and Christina were dating. If Tris decided not to tell the truth then her and Tobias would have no where safe to stay. She did what she had to do and told the

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