
SCI Case Study Essay

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SCI have a big impact on Taylor’s emotions. It is common concern patient with SCI and TBI of experiencing depression, aggression an anxiety, so Taylor’s family and friends needs to be presented to provide emotional support and to make sure he is getting a good care. His motor vehicle accident which lead his best friend to die is a huge contributing factor to his behavior. Consulting a psychologist and having regular therapy sessions he could improve his anger management and coping strategies. More over psychiatrist can help Taylor to manage his depression and anxiety by prescribing anti-depressants. Social relationship is a key component in Taylor’s QOL. Maintaining strong family and social life is a huge challenge for Taylor under …show more content…

Taylor will required rehabilitation as his best interest post -acute stage. Patients with C-6 injuries typically have some wrist control but no hand function. Other effects may include: bowel and bladder dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, difficulty regulating heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, and body temperature, spasticity, neuropathic pain, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, gall bladder and renal stones. While their lives will definitely be different than they were before the injury, with the correct intervention and support, survivors with C-6 injuries can go on to lead very satisfying …show more content…

This should include, signs and symptoms, appropriate management of the condition and preventive measures. According to Stephenson (2015), the signs and symptoms of AD are related to the responses that occur in autonomic nervous system. The high blood pressure (HT) that occurs when blood vessels below the injury constrict, result in blurred vision, throbbing headache and spots before the eyes. Then the body responds by dilating blood vessels above the injury result in sweating, skin flushing, nasal stuffiness and

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