
Rufus Follet's Death In The Family

Decent Essays

In “A Death in the Family” by James Agee, Rufus Follet, six year old boy struggles with coming to the consciousness of his father’s passing. By being a child it is difficult to comprehend what his family was thinking. He did not know the cause of the situation which entitled him to start seeing an apparition of his father. Rufus’ fight was with himself and only himself. He subsequently beginnings to become familiar with hate and only hate because he had already known what love was since he dearly admired his family. A change in character was demonstrated by James Agee in the character Rufus as time after Jay (Rufus’ father) gets into an automobile accident. Rufus went through stages of confusion with religion and reality as well as what the purpose of his father’s death was and what it meant for him personally. …show more content…

At the beginning Rufus and his father, Jay are out seeing a film in which his mother did not approve him to watch, but his father and him seemed to still do what they wanted to do. Rufus is amassed with leisure with Jay and even seemed to want to produce proudness from his father. There was not a sudden switch in Rufus’ feelings a behavior once he found out his father was in an accident as a kid, he is incapable of understanding what had happened to his father that the only thing Rufus could do was ask questions as to where his father had gone to and has not returned. Rufus soon became befuddled with the whole situation that as time went on the wanted to figure out was his father’s death meant for

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