
Summary Of Etheridge Knight's For Freckled-Faced

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In "For Freckled-Faced Gerald," Etheridge Knight tells a story of a prepubescent boy, Gerald, that was welcomed into an adult penal system with not so open arms. Gerald was welcomed into the penal system before he was able to enjoy any of what life had to offer. This penal system was also going to welcome Gerald's friend, Rufus, in as well. Similarly, Gerald and Rufus were both failed by the American prison system that would not protect them. Since the prison system had failed them both, Rufus took control and Gerald was not in control. In contrast, between the two boys, nature has already taken its course with Rufus but not yet for Gerald. In other words, Rufus was "free and funky under the arms," and had "fucked white girls." (lines 2-3) That is to say, these allusions tells us that Rufus have already hit puberty and was sexually experienced. Gerald, on the other hand, could not hide the fact that, "Sixteen years hadn't even done / a good job on his voice" (6-7) or "who had no memory or hope of copper hot lips -- / of firm upthrusting thighs." (11-12) These allusions also tells us that Gerald is still prepubescent; his voice have not dropped yet and is sexually inexperience. In other words, Gerald is …show more content…

The buzzards, the older and bigger convicts, had took his innocence and masculinity. This leaves Gerald powerless and still not in control. What Gerald didn't know is that, "the loss of his balls / had been plotted years in advance / by wiser and bigger buzzards." That is to say, that even before Gerald was welcomed into the penal system, the buzzards were already expecting him. The older and bigger convicts were ready for his arrival. In Gerald's case, this was unnatural compared to Rufus who was

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