
Roommate Agreement

Decent Essays

At the beginning of the school year, I was ecstatic upon hearing the news that I would have a sophomore as my roommate. My expectations went over the roof, especially after we spoke over the telephone and text messages prior to our moving day. I looked forward to meeting and learning from you about the campus and academic opportunities at Virginia Tech (VT). Since then, our relationships have deteriorated because you consistently violated our roommate agreement. I value our friendship and hoping this letter would offer plans to help us restore some of the trusts that we’ve built at the beginning of the school year.
To promote academic success and personal growth at VT, we sat down the first week of school to establish our expectations …show more content…

As you recalled, we spent many hours perfecting this agreement to ensure that it would work for both of us. Therefore, I was disappointed that this was one of the main issues that affecting our roommate relationship. We agreed that we would not invite a group of friends into our room past 10PM on the school day to play games, watch Netflix, YouTube, or engage in any activities that affecting our friendship. We had many conversations about this issue. Nevertheless, you still are consistently violating our agreements by inviting more than six people into our small room nearly every day watching Netflix, YouTube, and playing games even past midnight. I felt uncomfortable staying in my own room because your friends are always right there and occasionally, I couldn’t move around without stepping over your friends. I am concerned about our living arrangement because it started to affect my moral and studies here at …show more content…

I would welcome any suggestions that you might have to improve our living arrangement. In the meantime, here are some of my suggestions as we are going forward:
• If something bothers you, please let me know immediately. I believe postponing confrontations have led to bearing grudges between

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