
Romeo And Juliet Power Quotes

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In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, he once wrote, “Within the infant rind of this weak flower Poison hath residence and medicine power: For this, being smelt, with that part cheers each part; Being tasted, stays all senses with the heart. Two such opposed kings encamp them still In man as well as herbs-grace and rude will; And where the worser is predominant, Full soon the canker death eats up that plant,”(2.3.23-31). This was written from the Friar Lawrence’s point of view for Romeo and Juliet, and the meaning behind this quote can be applied in the book, Lord of the Flies by William Golding. In the first couplet of the quote, “Within the infant rind of this weak flower Poison hath residence and medicine power:,”, this could be shown as Ralph and Jack’s power in the beginning of the book. The first …show more content…

It is about Ralph’s power because it describes Ralph’s power originally as a “weak flower”. Ralph’s power is like a ‘weak flower’ because he has a strong control at first, but he loses it over time due to the poison that is present, meaning Jack. Jack’s poison is his evilness which is present and he ends up taking Ralph’s power by the end of the book. In the third couplet, this is talking about Ralph and Jack and the type of power that the both hold. “Two opposed kings” is about Ralph and Jack. The word opposed is a key word. Opposed means that to have a contrast with each other, from our knowledge of the book, we know that Ralph and Jack have very different types of ruling styles. Ralph is portrayed as a incontrol leader who is not abusive, and Jack portrayed as an aggressive, dictatorial leader. In

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