
Romeo And Juliet Impulsive Quotes

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Romeo and Juliet is a renowned play by the widely known, William Shakespeare. However, I will only be talking about act II, scene III of this play. In this part of the story, the relationship between Friar Lawrence and Romeo is shown. Although they are years apart in age, they seem to have a brotherly relationship. In this act and scene, the reader, or actor, has a chance to understand the characters better. You are able to find character traits. For instance, Romeo is impulsive, dramatic, and reckless. Also, Friar Lawrence is attentive, hopeful, and very trustworthy. The bond between Friar Lawrence and Romeo is a brotherly type relationship.This is because, considering the age gap, they seem to know each other for a long time. Also, because the Friar is willing to help Romeo and Juliet get married. Not only because it is his job to marry anyone who asks, but because he thinks it will the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. On page 105, Friar Lawrence says, "There's one good reason why I'll assist you: this marriage could be the happy cause of turning the enmity between your two households …show more content…

Romeo is impulsive because he doesn't thoroughly think about the outcomes of his actions. For example, on pages 102-103, Romeo says that he is in love with Capulet's daughter, although they have only known each other for a few hours. When he crashed the party, kissing Juliet without knowing her, that was an impulsive move. Romeo is dramatic because he makes a big deal out of something small. For example, when Rosaline didn't like him, he would hide in the woods and not talk to anyone. Romeo is reckless because, even thought crashing the party with Benvolio was planned, he didn't think about his safety first. After Romeo met Juliet, instead of going home, he went to Juliet's house and talked to her openly, without thinking about the fact that if one of the Capulet guards or family members found him he would and could be

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