
Romeo And Juliet Impulsive Quotes

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Shakespeare makes the death of Romeo and Juliet inevitable due to their tragic flaw of rashness and impulsivity. However Romeo and Juliet are not solely entitled to be the reason for their death Act V. Balthasar is a major contributor to the death of Romeo and his suitor. In Romeo and Juliet, a Shakespearean tragedy, two star crossed lovers meet their dreary end by means of suicide. Shakespeare wants to portray the idea that Romeo and Juliet are responsible for their own death. Romeo and Juliet are often rash and impulsive in their decision making. Whenever either of the two were presented with a problem, they never thought things through. A majority of the time, they either threatened to kill themselves or would follow through with whatever plan was presented to them. Shakespeare portrays the impulsiveness of the couple through Romeo when he states “In what vile part of this anatomy doth my name lodge? Tell me, that I may sack the hateful mansion” (III.iii.106-8). In this quote, Romeo is asking the friar where in his body …show more content…

When Balthasar told Romeo of Juliet’s death, Romeo begins to overreact. Balthasar not only made the mistake of telling Romeo of Juliet’s death, but he did nothing to prevent Romeo from going to the apothecary and purchasing poison. Refusal to take action seems to be a character trait for Balthasar because he does it again at Capels’ monument. Balthasar made no attempt to prevent Romeo from entering the monument. Shakespeare even shows how much Balthasar does not care when Balthasar says “As I did sleep under this yew tree here…” (V.iii.137). Considering Romeo stopped at an apothecary, Balthasar should have known that something bad was going to happen. Balthasar, however, decided to take a nap while his master committed suicide. Balthasar could have done a better job when dealing with the situations presented to him, this, in turn, could have saved the couples

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