
Roles And Importance Of Acute Care

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Acute care is defined as the level of health care when a patient receives treatment for a short and severe illness. Usually the illness is due to trauma, disease, or after a surgical procedure. In all or most cases acute Care is provided at a hospital by different medical staff. According World Health Organization "the term acute care encompasses a range of clinical health-care functions, including emergency medicine, trauma care, pre-hospital emergency care, acute care surgery, critical care, urgent care and short-term inpatient stabilization," in other words as I mentioned acute health care is used to treat sudden and urgent illnesses and injuries. The staff responds to life threatening injuries first, such as myocardial infarctions, strangulated hernias, car accidents, acute appendicitis, seizures, strokes and more. Acute care staff will first make sure to treat acute needs before giving treatment to others. Acute care responds to patients based on their medical condition, regardless what caused their condition. Acute health care is very important because it a plays a huge role in preventing disability and death in patients, especially the first 24 hours of the illness.
An acute care hospital is a community hospital. It functions the same was as other hospitals when it comes to management, CEO and human services. They are diverse when it comes to staff, the staff must have more experience and act as an advocate for the patient’s family as well as the patient. Also in an acute care setting the staff must be on their toes, seeing patient after patient, you don’t normally treat the same patient twice. You need critical care experience to work in an acute care hospital
I do have some experiences in an acute care hospital as a consumer A couple years ago, I walked into the hospital thinking I just had a stomach virus, and they rushed me into surgery because my appendicitis had burst. Also, I was in the ICU for 2 weeks last year and they had monitors all over me, I had my own nurse, my own room and they monitored everything. I couldn’t even get up without them knowing, they even monitored how much fluid I was drinking.

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