
Rogaine Review Research Papers

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Rogaine Reviews – Is this Effective in Re-growing Hair or Is There Any Side Effects? Get on the Review!

A significant population of men, over the decades, has experienced the male pattern baldness which is also known as androgenic alopecia. This, from scientific findings could be attributed to hormones, heredity or age.

Studies have shown that male pattern baldness can be stopped with hair re-grown over a certain period of time. This could be said to be the efforts of different companies who produce different hair loss treatment formulas.

My painstaking research in different internet directories brought me to a really popular hair loss treatment formula called Rogaine for Men.

This claims to have profound benefits in stopping hair loss, …show more content…

However, just because a product does do what it says, doesn't mean it won't cause any type of side effects.

Therefore, Minoxdil or the main active ingredient in Rogaine products, there are many warnings and precautions before using it in the daily basis, such as if your scalp is red, itching, or taking any other medicines or have heart problems, blood pressure, etc, you must consult a doctor before usage.

According to my research on Rogaine formulas, there have been numerous cases of side effects, such as most common ones are changes in hair color or texture, scalp sensitivity and skin dryness.

Now the worst one in my opinion, would be facing sexual side effects of low libido, hard time getting your manhood up (erectile dysfunction), poor arousal and low perfomance.

Who Is It For?

Although, Rogaine has other formulas that can be used by women and/or both sex, Men’s Rogaine unscented foam is for men who are affected by hereditary hair loss.

That is, men who experience male pattern baldness can use Rogaine to stop their hair loss and make the hairs grow over …show more content…


Some users may experience side effects;
It does not work for receding hairline;
Have to keep using for a while or maybe even lifetime.
Customer Support/Guarantee

Rogaine manufacturer promises to offer refunds to unsatisfied users of their hair loss treatment formula. That is, if within 30 days of using this formula we are not satisfied with the results, we can easily get in touch with them for a refund (for the unopened ones) less shipping and handling fees.

According to them, Rogaine is highly effective in stopping hair loss and re-growing the hair.

They ship out orders fast and offer a subscription program from where we can save up to 50%. It is termed the Rogaine subscribe program; a quick, easy and convenient way to have Rogaine products ready for our daily use since we have to continue using it forever.

The manufacturer have different channels in their official website from where they can be contacted.

Yet, Rogaine for Men is available in other third party websites which is even cheaper for the same real product.

Conclusion/My Personal

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