
Rock N Roll Changing America Essay

Decent Essays

Rock ‘n’ Roll and a Changing America In his book All Shook Up Glenn C. Altschuler attempts to tell the reader what rock ‘n’ roll is and how it changed America forever. Altschuler begins his book by describing how the vast majority of white parents viewed rock ‘n’ roll during this time. The majority of parents believed rock ‘n’ roll to be a “communicable disease” that caused their children to behave like hoodlums. The parents even began to ban rock ‘n’ roll shows from coming to their towns in hope that it would stop their children from listening to the music. It also struck fear in the heart of parents of young women. This was primarily the case because parents believed that rock ‘n’ roll caused a sense of sexual tension to arise in their children. The next part of Altschuler’s book discusses the social impact rock ‘n’ roll had on the population of America. One major concern for the white majority of the population was that they feared that the African American population was using rock ‘n’ roll in an attempt to integrate and assimilate into white society. Another major concern for the parents was the lyrics in many of these rock ‘n’ roll songs. Although today, we may view these lyrics as generally not very controversial this was not the case in the fifties, many parents during this time thought that the lyrics …show more content…

Alschuler also claims that after Woodstock rock ‘n’ roll continued to have a impact on the music industry but never reached the height of popularity that it had in the fifties. He also says that one of the main reasons for rock ‘n’ roll lasting so long is due to the number of variations it now has. Some of these variations include heavy metal, soft rock and Christian rock. These variations allow for a larger pool of individuals to find the sound they enjoy and to continue advancing rock ‘n’ roll

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