
Rock Fitness Center Executive Summary

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The Rock Fitness Center has decided to introduce new programs to appeal to a wider audience, particularly the Baby Boomers. Our goal is for everyone to be active. Therefore, we have chosen to offer these new programs, aerobics and strength training, as an incentive for people to want to begin or continue to exercise. Many people are becoming less active with modern day technology, but we hope to counteract that trend with our new programs. Particularly, we chose to implement these programs for the Baby Boomers. It is important to have programs for this age group “because people ages 55 and older are the fastest-growing health club membership group- having increased 411 percent since 1990” (Milbrand 2009). Furthermore, it is important to introduce new programs to appeal to the baby boomer audience to benefit the gym and the clients.
The first exercise program is aerobics. This program will include water aerobics, step aerobics, Zumba Gold, and cardio. Each day of the week will be a different aerobics class. On Monday, we will have the cardio class. On Tuesday, we will have the Zumba Gold class (a milder version of Zumba). On Thursday, we will have …show more content…

Moreover, exercise is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As people age, it is becomes harder to stay healthy and strong. As Davis (2007) includes in the IDEA Fitness Journal, “Nearly half of adults between the ages of 50 and 64 live with at least one chronic condition, such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes or heart disease, all of which can be improved through exercise (IHRSA 2004).” Therefore, this aerobics program will be very beneficial to the client’s health. Movement is necessary in living a long healthy life, and that is what this program is all about. Physical health can add to one’s mental health as well. When one is comfortable in his or her own body, he or she will be more likely to be comfortable in every other aspect of his or her

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