
Robert Agnew's General Strain Theory

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Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory is a theory of criminology that was developed after the revision of Robert Merton’s Strain Theory. Agnew felt Merton’s strain theory was too restrictive in theorizing ranges for possible foundations of strain within a society. From this discovery Agnew (1991), formulated three categories of strain: 1) The inability to achieve positively valued goals 2) The removal positively valued stimuli 3) The presentation of negatively valued stimuli. Agnew also described four characteristics of strain that is most likely to lead to crime and delinquency. First strain is seen as unwarranted, second strain is seen as high in degree, the third strain is associated with low social control, and fourth strain generates pressure …show more content…

The study found that there are limited variances when it comes to gender in the primary cause of the different categories of strain on crime. However, there are gender variances in the adjusting variables that influence the relationship between the different categories of strain and crime. These findings help support research in gender variations when it comes to strain leading to crime while using Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory in order to categorize the different types of strain men and women may …show more content…

With 50% being men and 50% being women. Out of the 100 participants, 60% will be African American, 30% Hispanic and 10% Caucasian. All participants will need to be within a low socioeconomic status with a yearly income ranging from $0-$24,000. Each participant must annotate whether there was a single parent mother home, single parent father home, dual parent home or other, specifying the type of home they grew up in. Participants must also specify their current household whether married, single, divorced, children (indicate how many), custodial parent, non-custodial parent, or joint-custody. Lastly, participants must be at least 18 years of age but not older than 40 years of

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