
Social Programs That Address The Strain Theory Essay

Decent Essays

“Social Programs That Address the Strain Theory and Their Effects”

The Strain Theory, introduced in 1938 by Robert K. Merton is a Social Structure Theory that is utilized to explain criminal behavior. Merton hypothesis was based on the idealism that people with different socio-cultural backgrounds share the same goals, values, and norms. He believed that “in our society opportunities to move up the social ladder exist, but they are not equally distributed” (Adler, Mueller, Laufer p.113), and it was difficult, in some cases impossible, for some to achieve financial success. Merton’s theory of Strain also assumes that people are moral and compliant to social rules and demands, but under pressure (disparity between goals and means) will turn into crime. The Strain Theory has helped criminologists and sociologists to develop crime-prevention strategies and social programs that give the lower-class people a bigger stake in …show more content…

The program goal is to prepare children of low-income families to become more socially competent and more capable of dealing with their environment and responsibilities as they grew older. It mainly focuses on giving the youngsters a boost while they were in a 1 year-preschool development to prevent them from dropping out of society. Boosting up the youngsters would allow them to accustom themselves for later school and social related experiences. The Head Start program later developed into the Project Follow Through in an effort to provide youngsters from elementary school with the same opportunities the youngsters from the Head Start Program had. The Head Start program was also intended to lower stress in groups that were most likely to develop some sort of criminal behavior. What had begun as a program for children has expanded into a program that provides social and educational services to millions of kids and their

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