
Risk Assesment for Unit 3 Health and Social Care P3

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GENERIC RISK ASSESSMENTS CONTENTS PAGE 1. All educational visits 2. Travel on educational visits 3. Residential visit accommodation 4. Use of tour operator or provider of activities 5. Ski trip 6. School exchange visit with a school abroad 7. Walks in normal country 8. Walks in remote terrain 9. Indirectly supervised walks (Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and similar) 10. River walks, gorge or stream scramble as an adventure activity 11. Field study by or in water 12. Rock climbing 13. Swimming during educational visits 14. Visits to coastal locations 15. Visits to farms 16. Cycling 17. Standing camps 18. Lightweight camping (Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and similar) 19. Canoeing/kayaking Assessments completed …show more content…

| Injury, death, separated from group. | Pupils, staff. | * Coach from a reputable supplier. DCC approved supplier * Coaches have seat belts that staff ensure a re used. * Buses without seatbelts are avoided if possible and never used on high speed roads. * Sufficient supervision * Suitable embarkation points used (for example, coach park, onto wide pavement). * Close supervision and head counts during any breaks in journey and getting on and off coach. | Contact DCC passenger transport dept. | Low | Use of private vehicles. | Injury, death. | Pupils, staff. | * All use in compliance with DCC driving at work policy * Seatbelts worn at all times. * Specific permission obtained from parents. | Refer to driving at work policy | Low | Minibus travel. | Injury, death, separated from group. | Pupils and staff. | * All use in compliance with DCC ‘Notes and Guidance on the Use of Minibuses’ and legal requirements * Care always taken in parking in suitable place for disembarkation. * Close supervision and head counts during any breaks in journey and getting in and out of bus. | | Low | Service station and other breaks in journey | Injury, death, left behind/ separated from group. | Pupils | * Brief pupils on: * purpose and timings of stop. * how and where to contact staff. * Remain in pairs or threes (buddy system – each responsible for named other)

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