
Rikki Tavi Theme

Decent Essays

Rikki Tikki Tavi Argumentative Essay

Theme is the colossal idea we grab from a story after reading it. It’s a central idea in literary work. In the story “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”, by Rudyard Kipling the theme is good versus evil.
Rikki-tikki and Nagaina are the main characters of this story. Rikki-tikki is the hero, in this short story or protagonist, and the antagonist, Nagaina is the viscous, mean one. Rikki helps people and Nagaina is greedy and selfish. This story can possibly have another theme to it. Throughout the story, “Rikki-tikki-tavi”,Rikki-tikki represents the good side of the theme in this story. He’s protective because he asked Nag if he thought it was right for him to eat fledglings that fall out of a nest. Rikki-tikki is also courageous because he isn’t afraid to fight Nagaina. In the story Rikki-tikki tells Nagaina, “I’m not afraid to fight you even if I’m small.” Wow!! He’s a brave guy! Rikki-tikki is also loyal to Darzee. He said …show more content…

She’s extremely evil in the story “Rikki-tikki-tavi.” She was also very selfish. In the story, she said, “We got the garden all to ourselves and were not sharing with any of you.” Woah!!! That was harsh! Nagaina also sent Nag into the house to kill the family while she stayed outside. This too shows how selfish she truly is.The next example shows how “Nagaina also threatens the child saying,” “ Son of the big man that killed Nag” she hissed, “Stay still, because I’m not ready yet.” If you move I’ll strike, and if you, do not move I strike. Nagaina is very determined to fight Rikki-tikki because she said “I’m ready to fight you so get over here.” The alternative claim could be courage versus fear. Rikki-tikki has courage and Chuchundra has fear. Rikki-tikki shows courage in the way he stands up to the cobras, who are the bullies, no matter if he’s small or not. Chuchundra shows fear because he’s afraid to mess with the bigger bullies so he stays clear and on the outside of

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