
Rights Of American Citizens Essay

Decent Essays

The rights and responsibilities of American citizens are not like any found around the globe. As a U.S. citizen, it is vital that we participate in democracy. Not only is it a privilege, it allows us to execute a voice in how we believe our nation should be governed. Majority of U.S. citizens’ rights can be found in the Bill of Rights. This document covers the first ten rights in the form of amendments to the Constitution. The first amendment addresses that Congress will not make a law that does not honor the freedom of religion, speech, press, or the right of people to assemble peacefully, and petition the government. To me, this is one of the most important amendments regarding the rights of the people. No one should be told what they “have” to believe in, it violates humanity. Freedom of speech is also a vital right of the people. However, freedom of speech is not without consequence, which I believe is very important and often forgotten. Another vital right is the right to bear arms. Citizens should be allowed to have the confidence of security at all times. Along with the ability to protect themselves against the government if needed. Additionally, Amendment 4 …show more content…

In my opinion governments, primary purpose should be to protect citizens rights, freedoms and maintain law and order internally. They provide this service through the court of justice, legislation and police force. However, this cannot be the only form of protection they provide. Another way the government protects the citizens is through rules, inspections and regulations of companies and products. For example, without Federal regulation organizations such as the FDA, we would not have any form of vetting when it comes to consumer products. Government also is responsible for social services such as building roads, bridges and any means of transformation that aid the public. This is a significant and necessary role government plays for

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